Letter from Dean of Students
Welcome to Florida International University. The Division
of Student Affairs provides a wide array of programs and
services intended to support the personal and academic
success of our students. We want all of you to have a positive
FIU experience.
As the Associate Vice President and Dean of Students, my
goal is to help create a culture of care for students, their
families, faculty and staff by providing proactive education,
consultation, resources, and response to distressed students
or students in crisis.
We know that some students will face obstacles along the path toward their academic goals,
such as personal distress, anxiety, depression, family emergencies, health issues and more.
There are excellent support services on campus to assist students, with the purpose of
getting them back on track toward their goals. Our office can assist students individually, by
identifying the appropriate campus recourses to best help them. Please stop by or visit our
website if you or a fellow student can use our support:
Best wishes for a successful year.
Cathy Akens, Ed.D.
Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Florida International University • campuslife.fiu.edu