Page 3 - Atlanta Public Schools 2022/2023 Student Handbook + Planner
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A Message from Our
Dear Students and Families of Atlanta Public Schools,
We move into the 2022-2023 school year with renewed excitement, commitment, and hope! Atlanta Public Schools (APS) continues to be a student-focused district where students love to learn, educators inspire, families engage and the community trusts the system.
Our efforts to reimagine APS continue and it will take each of us — students, parents/ guardians, educators, support staff, and administrators — to do all we can to ensure the success of every student.
Education is the greatest equalizer. I believe strongly in the inner strength, power, and talent of our scholars. Look at what they were able to accomplish despite the distractions of a global crisis. Our students are resilient and inspiring. Through partnerships, we can maximize our students’ talents and provide opportunities so they may pursue whatever paths they choose for their lives.
I am humbled and privileged to be able to put these beliefs and that personal mission into motion in our schools.
Scholars, please know that I — as your Superintendent — serve at the pleasure of a Board that is committed to your success, a community that is eager to enjoy the promise of your contributions, but most importantly, I serve at your pleasure. You are the reason this work is so important. We — that is, every APS employee, and I — are committed to providing you with equitable opportunities to be the best you can be.
We come with a renewed mission focused on equity and treating everyone in our community justly and fairly. Everything we do in our district — from academics and operations, to our district culture, and our resources — must be considered through the lens of equity. That is why equity stands at the core of the district’s 2020-2025 strategic plan and guides all of our work as a school system.
We do this with the hope that you will exceed our accomplishments and be the better leaders of tomorrow.
As APS families, you play a critical role in supporting our efforts, and your engagement matters to the district and to your child. As support, we have provided you with this 2022- 2023 APS Student Handbook to serve as your comprehensive guide to student and parental rights, responsibilities, and expectations for the upcoming school year. Be sure to read this document carefully and sign the electronic acknowledgement located in the Infinite Campus Portal within five days to acknowledge receipt of this handbook. Please inform your school if a paper copy is needed.
Thank you for your ongoing partnership. Welcome back, and have a great school year! Yours in Service,
Dr. Lisa N. Herring,
Superintendent, Atlanta Public Schools

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