Page 30 - Atlanta Public Schools 2022/2023 Student Handbook + Planner
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during the confiscation period. APS assumes no liability for the theft, loss or damage of items possessed by students on school property or held by school officials during the confiscation period. APS employees will not be responsible for searching for lost or stolen student property.
Progressive Discipline:
The school discipline process should include appropriate consideration of support processes to help students resolve issues that may be contributing to violations to the Student Code of Conduct. These resources may include, but are not limited to, Student Support
Team, positive behavioral supports, restorative practices, counseling with school counselor, school social worker intervention, behavior, attendance and academic contracts and plans, peer mediation, and prevention programs.
The offenses have been organized into three levels of prohibited behaviors: Level 1 discipline (minor) offenses, Level 2 discipline (moderate) offenses, and Level 3 discipline (serious) offenses. Behaviors that implicate Title IX regulations (as implemented) will be managed as discussed in
Level 1 offenses are generally MINOR OFFENSES and may represent a failure to demonstrate universally defined expectations or social skills. Following appropriate teacher intervention, students may be referred to an administrator.
include threats to the health, safety, and/or property of others, and other acts of serious and repeated misconduct. Consequences may include out-of-school suspension and a disciplinary hearing referral or Title IX Grievance Process (as applicable) with a recommendation for further actions such as long-term suspension, expulsion, and/or assignment
to an alternative education program. Behaviors that implicate Title IX regulations (as implemented) will be managed as discussed in www.
   School-based interventions/support and the following:
  Four days of Out-of-School Suspension.
   Ten days of Out-of- School Suspension.
   Four days of Out-of-School Suspension.
  Ten days of Out-of- School Suspension.
 School-based interventions/support and the following:
  One day detention
   Three days detention
   Up to three days detention
  Up to three days of In-School Suspension
  Level 2 Discipline is used for MINOR acts of misconduct. These include acts directed against people or property that do not seriously endanger the health or safety of others and serious disruptions of school order. Unique, serious, or multiple offenses may result in the offense being considered a Level 3 offense.
Student Offenses:
A student shall not violate any of the following rules of APS. The disciplinary levels below correspond to the progressive discipline
levels detailed above. However, in serious offenses, principals or designees working in conjunction with the Office of Student Discipline or an Associate Superintendent may use a higher level of progressive discipline. The Student Code of Conduct provides examples of offenses that may occur, but it is not intended to include all offenses for which disciplinary action may be taken, as it is not possible to identify every behavior which might result in disciplinary consequences.
Personal Communication/Electronic Devices:
All students may possess mobile telephones and other personal electronic devices (PEDs) with the expressed, written consent of
their parents/guardians. The parent/legal guardian must complete the Parental Consent & Acknowledgement Form For a Mobile Telephone/ Personal Electronic Device each school year and deliver it to the school principal or designee before the student is allowed to possess a device on school property.
Unless otherwise directed by school administration or school staff, the use of cellular telephones or other PEDs is forbidden for all students
at all times during the instructional day. The instructional day includes,
but is not limited to, lunch periods, class changes, study halls, and any other structured or unstructured instructional activity that occurs during the normal school day. Devices must be out of sight and turned off. This prohibition includes all emergency situations unless the student is directed to use a cellular telephone or PED by a school administrator or school staff or unless an extreme threat to the health or safety of a student arises and no school administrator or school staff member is present.
All staff members have the right to confiscate mobile phones and PEDs when used in violation of policy JCDAF and its implementing regulation. If a student refuses to relinquish a phone or other device to a school staff member, the staff member may refer the student with the device
to the principal or designee. Atlanta Public Schools assumes no liability for the theft, loss, or damage of mobile telephones and other PEDs possessed by students on school property or held by school officials
 School-based interventions/support and the following:
  Up to five days of In-School Suspension
   Up to three days of Out-of-School Suspension
   Four or five days of In-School Suspension
  Up to three days of Out-of-School Suspension
  Level 3 Discipline offenses are SERIOUS acts of misconduct that place students or staff at risk of emotional or physical harm which may

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