Page 22 - Birmingham City Schools 2020-2021
P. 22

learning format aligned with the ALSDE critical standards. These students will not be subject to the district options (traditional, remote, or blended).
The student and parent will have the responsibility for ensuring all online tasks (live and online) are completed as outlined by the teacher. However, the classroom teacher will play a role in working with students and parents to ensure students experience academic success.
All options chosen at the beginning of the school year must remain in place for the entire, initial nine-week period. At the end of the nine-week period, students and parents will be allowed to choose the BCS options available at that time -- traditional, remote, or blended.
All students will be required to log into the learning platform daily and complete tasks as assigned by the teacher in order to credit (attendance and grades). The hours required for each content area is subject to change by grade level. All students will be required to interact with their teachers weekly through live online lessons. Each school will provide students and parents with a detailed schedule so that students know when they are expected to be online and when they are to work independently.
The virtual school learning environment can be more flexible than the traditional school setting as students are able to modify the day to suit their strengths. However, mandato- ry online classes and live lessons with teachers will be held at scheduled times during the school day.
Q: Will students be provided a learning device (ex. Laptop, Chromebook, etc.) to complete their learning tasks if the district chooses blended or remote or if I as a parent choose the BCS Virtual School Option?
Every student grades K-12 will be provided a learning device to continue their learning in a remote or virtual school setting. Communication specific to device distribution will be provided to parents prior to the start of the school year. This information will be provided via BCS social media platforms, websites, robocalls, emails and texts to parents.
Q: Will BCS Virtual School learning be online full-time?
Yes, students who select this option will be taught online full-time by BCS teachers in a
Q: Who will be responsible for student learning and assignment completion in this option?
Q: Can students start the school year in the BCS Virtual School option and later choose the district’s options (traditional, remote, or blended)?
  Q: How many hours a day will be required for BCS Virtual School?
Q: Will classes begin at a specific time each day or will students be able to complete work at their own pace?

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