Page 81 - Chaffee College Student Planner and Handbook 2021-2022
P. 81

                C. Facilitating Academic Dishonesty
(1) Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another student to commit an act of academic dishonesty
(2) Giving unauthorized assistance to others during a test or evaluation, including allowing someone to copy a test or examination, or arranging with others to give or receive answers via signals
(3) Providing specific information about a recently given test, examination or assignment to a student who thereby gains an unfair advantage in an academic evaluation
(4) Impersonating another student in order to meet a course or graduation requirement
(5) Providing aid to another student, knowing such aid is expressly prohibited by the faculty initiator
(6) Preparing academic work to be presented as the work of another
(7) Signing in students other than oneself for class attendance
D. Interference or Sabotage
(1) Persistently behaving in a manner that has an adverse effect on the academic performance of others
(2) Destroying, stealing, changing or damaging another’s work
E. Plagiarism
(1) Submitting work previously submitted for academic credit without prior authorization from the faculty of record
(2) Reproduction of another’s work, with or without that person’s knowledge or permission
(3) Submitting as one’s own any academic exercise prepared totally or in part by another
(4) Copying information from computer-based sources, (e.g. the Internet) and submitting it as your own work
(5) Allowing another person to substantially alter or revise student work and submitting it as the student’s own
(6) Using another’s written ideas or words without properly acknowledging the source
(7) Failure to acknowledge study aids such as Cliff’s Notes or common reference sources
(8) Unauthorized use of another person’s data in completing a computer exercise or other class work
(9) Fraud, copyright infringement and any other noncompliance of regulations and laws as set forth by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC), the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), any other guilds or unions within the radio, television, or motion picture industry and state, county, city, local laws, ordinances and other current governmental regulatory commissions in the entertainment and broadcast industries.
(10) Pirating and any other noncompliance of confidentiality statements such as those signed by students in the fields of fashion and interior design

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