Page 199 - Fox Valley Tech Student Handbook & Planner 2019-2020
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Peer Leaders
Peer Leaders engage prospective students, youth and community members by leading campus tours, and providing general college information. They work with instructional staff to learn about program areas to provide insight to visitors on campus. Peer Leaders assist with Open House, College Preview Nights, Campus Visit Days, Welcome Days and New Student Registrations. They serve as a resource to fellow students with admissions, registration, schedule planning, organization, and use of MyFVTC and Black- board. Students need to fill out an application and are interviewed for this paid position, with the option of using Work Study. For more information, visit:
Scholarships are grants awarded to students based on donor established criteria. Fox Valley Technical College’s Foundation offers scholarships to students attending the college. Online applications are avail- able for students in fall and spring of each year. Complete scholarship information can be accessed at Questions can be directed to 920-735-5608 or
Security Services
Campus Security Services staff provides a safe and secure environment for students, staff and visitors at FVTC. Security officers patrol the campus buildings and parking lots during the hours of operation. If you have questions or need to report an incident, contact the security office in Appleton, Room F112 or call (920) 735-5691. You can email or text for any concerns, tips, or security issues. At the Public Safety Traning Center, Call (920) 560-1699. In Oshkosh, the security number is (920) 236- 6166. In all life threatening emergencies, dial 911.
Smoking/Tobacco Free Campus
All FVTC campuses and facilities, including the grounds, are tobacco-free. For the full Smoke/Tobacco Free Campus Policy visit
Student Activity Fees
Students taking credit classes at Fox Valley Technical College pay a student segregated fee per credit. The allocation of these fees is the responsibility of the FVTC Student Government Association Finance Committee and is subject to final approval by the FVTC District Board of Trustees. The Finance Com- mittee, an designated committee of the Student Government Association, is responsible for the allocation of furnds that finance projects, events and student organizations that are of interest to the student body. In addition, a percentage of these fees are allocated to provide services to the college’s Health Services (Campus Care Clinic), Security, Student Conduct and Employment Connections.
Student Events and Leadership Opportunities
Fox Valley Technical College offers a comprehensive student development program with a diverse offering of many co-curricular opportunities for all students outside the classroom. Students can choose to become engaged in the college community through a variety of opportunities to increase leadership skills, become involved in civic engagement, develop time management skills and acquire the employa- bility essentials needed for entering the workforce. For a complete listing of clubs and organizations to be part of or to find out the programs and events available, go to the Student Organizations page, look through the calendar for events or visit the college’s web site at