Page 10 - Cherokee Bluff High School 2024-2025 Student Planner
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Cherokee Bluff High School
16. You have the right to, at any lme, file a complaint with the United States Department of Educalon’s Office for Civil Rights.
Section 504 Procedural Safeguards
1. Overview: Any student or parent/guardian (“grievant”) may request an imparlal hearing due to the school system’s aclons or inaclons regarding your child's idenlficalon, evalualon, or educalonal placement under Seclon 504. Requests for an imparlal hearing must be in wrilng to the school system’s Seclon 504 Coordinator; however, a grievant’s failure to request a hearing in wrilng does not alleviate the school system’s obligalon to provide an imparlal hearing if the grievant orally requests an imparlal hearing through the school system’s Seclon 504 Coordinator. The school system’s Seclon 504 Coordinator will assist the grievant in complelng the wrioen Request for Hearing.
2. Hearing Request: The Request for the Hearing must include the following: a. The name of the student.
b. The address of the residence of the student.
c. The name of the school the student is aoending. d. The decision that is the subject of the hearing.
e. The requested reasons for review.
f. The proposed remedy sought by the grievant.
g. The name and contact informalon of the grievant.
Within 10 business days from receiving the grievant’s Request for Hearing, the Seclon 504 Coordinator will acknowledge the Request for Hearing in wrilng and schedule a lme and place for a hearing. If the wrioen Request for Hearing does not contain the necessary informalon noted above, the Seclon 504 Coordinator will inform the grievant of the specific informalon needed to complete the request. All lmelines and processes will be stayed unll the Request for Hearing contains the necessary informalon noted above.
3. Medialon: The school system may offer medialon to resolve the issues detailed by the grievant in his or her Request for Hearing. Medialon is voluntary and both the grievant and school system must agree to parlcipate. The grievant may terminate the medialon at any lme. If the medialon is terminated without an agreement, the school system will follow the procedures for conduclng an imparlal hearing without an addilonal Request for Hearing.
4. Hearing Procedures:
a. The Seclon 504 Coordinator will obtain an imparlal review
official who will conduct a hearing within 45 calendar days from the receipt of the grievant’s Request for Hearing unless agreed to otherwise by the grievant or a conlnuance is granted by the imparlal review official.
Special Education
Special education programs are available to the students who meet eligibility criteria for specific learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, speech/language impairments, blind/visually impaired and/or deaf/hard of hearing, orthopedically impaired, autism, traumatic brain injury and other health impaired. All due process procedures are strictly adhered to as mandated by state and federal laws.
A full continuum of Special Education services are available based upon the decision of a student’s IEP team. An individual Transition Plan is written for each student to support

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