Page 41 - Cherokee Bluff High School 2024-2025 Student Planner
P. 41

                • Short-term suspension
• Referral to a tribunal for long-term suspension or expulsion
• Suspension or expulsion from the school bus
• Referral to law enforcement or juvenile court officials: Georgia law requires that
certain acts of misconduct be referred to the appropriate law enforcement officials. The school will refer any act of misconduct to law enforcement officials when school officials determine such a referral to be necessary or appropriate.
Students may be suspended due to repeated violations of any rule. The MAXIMUM punishment for any offense is expulsion, but suspension for more than 10 days or expulsion will be determined only by a disciplinary tribunal as outlined in the Hall County Board of Education Policy JCEB.
In lieu of a disciplinary tribunal, a negotiated waiver settlement may be considered based on the consequences the school administration would recommend to a tribunal. If the student/parent/guardian, and a hearing officer appointed by the superintendent accept this agreement, a tribunal will not be held. A waiver agreement does not grant a student permission to enroll in the The Foundry program. However, a student can be suspended with the option to apply for admission to The Foundry. The minimum stay at The Foundry is one semester.
A conference with the student must precede any immediate suspension from school. If immediate suspension is the action to be taken by school administrators, it must not exceed 10 school days. Parents must be notified. School officials may involve law enforcement officials when evidence surrounding a situation necessitates their involvement or when there is a legal requirement that an incident be reported.
School officials may search a student if there is reasonable suspicion the student is in possession of an item that is illegal or for evidence of a violation of school rules. Personal property items (including personal electronic devices), school lockers, desks and other school property are subject to inspection and search by school authorities at any time without further notice to students or parents. At the discretion of administrators, students are required to cooperate if asked to open book bags, lockers, etc. Metal detectors and drug or weapon-sniffing dogs may be utilized at school or at any school function, including activities which occur outside normal school hours or off the school campus.
The Hall County Board of Education provides a variety of resources which are available at every school within the district to help address student behavioral problems. The school discipline process will include appropriate consideration of support processes to help students resolve such problems. These resources include, but are not limited to, Student Support Teams, school counselors, and chronic disciplinary problem student plans.
It is the policy of the Board of Education that the Superintendent shall fully support the authority of principals and teachers to remove a student from the classroom pursuant to Georgia law as cited in O.C.G.A. 20-2-738 and 20-2-751.5(d).
A teacher shall have the authority, consistent with board policy, to manage his or her classroom, discipline students, and refer a student to the principal or designee to maintain discipline in the classroom. Any teacher who has knowledge that a student has exhibited behavior which substantially interferes with the teacher’s ability to
  Cherokee Bluff High School

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