James F. Byrnes Freshman Academy | 2017-2018 Student Handbook - page 4

Letter from the Principal
Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome to James F. Byrnes Freshman Academy. You are officially a high
school student, and we are delighted to have you join the “Rebel” family! Our
mission is to provide all students with fundamental steps to successfully
transition into high school by maximizing student potential. With a strong
foundation in the first year of high school, students can reap the rewards of
graduating in four years from one of the best performing schools in the state.
We are committed to helping you achieve your academic goals. Our strong
yet supportive teachers, administrators, and staff will provide you the
opportunity to reach new heights. Please use this unique Academy
experience to flourish socially and academically. Our smaller setting will
enable you to better interact with your peers, teachers, and support staff. It
also allows us a better opportunity to monitor your progress as a student.
Each student will be housed within one of four teams. Each team will work
and coordinate lessons and activities within each team.
Please use this student handbook as a tool to monitor your progress. All state
requirements from attendance to graduation requirements are identified in
this handbook. Rules and procedures for daily routines and student
regulations are listed.
High school prepares young adults for real life opportunities. With increased
opportunities comes increased pressure to excel and be successful. BFA has
high academic standards and expectations for our students. All of you can and
will be successful with hard work and determination. Please know that we will
work with parents, students, and our community to provide the best learning
environment for all students. We can all achieve great success when we all
work together. We wish you nothing but the best as you embark on a great
high school experience.
Neel Edwards
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