Page 30 - James F. Byrnes Freshman Academy 2019-2020 Student Planner
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Neither the school district nor its personnel will be responsible for the occurrence of any adverse drug reaction when the medication has been given in the manner prescribed. The school district retains the discretion to reject requests for assisting students with medication.
Sickness or First Aid
If a student becomes ill at school, a school official will notify the parent/guardian and ask that the student be picked up by a responsible adult. This will be a parent absence unless a medical note is received. Students may remain out of class one period, after which they will be required to return to classes or go home. Students who become ill at school may use the health room as a holding area for one class period.
 MEDIA CENTER Media Center Procedures
  1. The media center is open from 7:30 a.m. until 3:55 p.m. 2. A student coming to the media center must arrive with a
pass and sign in upon arrival. There should be one name on each pass, and the pass should be signed by a teacher and not by a substitute teacher.
3. Students must present a school ID card to check out media center materials. For security reasons, THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE.
4. Books should be returned to the Book Return box by the due date or renewed to avoid fines.
5. A book is checked out of the media center for a period of 2 weeks and may be renewed for the same length of time unless it has been requested by another student. Ten cents per school day is charged for all books not turned in by the due date. Report cards will be withheld from students who have overdue books or fines. Students will not be allowed to register for the new school year until fines are paid and books returned. Overdue and fine notices will be sent to individuals at regular intervals. Failure to receive an overdue notice does not relieve students of the responsibility of paying the fine.
6. The Media Center provides an environment for reading and research. The same rules of discipline apply in the media center as for classes.
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