Page 24 - James F. Byrnes High School 2019-2020 Student Planner
P. 24

 Examination Exemptions
Seniors with an “A” average for the course will be allowed to exempt final exams. No early exams will be given.
Promotion Policies
Students will not move up to the next grade level if they do not meet the requirements. Requirements for promotion are based on the
Grade 10: Grade 11:
Grade 12 and​ ​4th year students:
5 units including 1 of English, and 1 math
11 units including 2 of English, 2 math courses, 1 science, and 1 social studies
16 units and be enrolled in all courses required to graduate
REBS (​R​ebel ​E​ducators ​B​uilding Relationships with ​S​tudents) is an
advisor/advisee program that is designed to enable students to gain knowledge needed to make informed academic and career prep decisions. It encourages positive relationships between a small group of students and a caring adult. The program also serves to provide opportunities for ongoing assessments of student strengths, weaknesses, career and academic objectives, as well as promote short and long term goal setting. Every student at Byrnes is assigned to a REBS group that they will grow with during all three years of high school.
August 21*, 26 September 9, 23 October 7, 21 November 11, 18 December 2
REBS Schedule
January 13, 27 February 10, 24 March 9, 23 April 13, 27
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