Page 47 - James F. Byrnes High School 2019-2020 Student Planner
P. 47
Classroom Tardies
Students who are not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings will
be classified as tardy.
Tardies #1-10 to 1s t and 2n d period
10 minute lunch detention per period at beginning of lunch on the day of the tardy
Tardies #1-10 to 3r d and 4t h period
10 minute lunch detention per period at beginning of lunch on the next day
Failure to attend lunch detention
referral for ISS
Tardies #10-15
referral for ISS
Tardies #16 and beyond
referral for OSS
I.D. Cards
Students must have I.D. cards visible on a lanyard around each student’s neck. IDs will be required to enter the building (700 hall, Rebel Entrance, and JROTC entrance).
Failure to possess or display I.D. cards will result in an ID violation detention.
Students will be issued an I.D. card upon initial enrollment. Replacement cards can be purchased before school and during Power Hour for $5.00 in guidance. Replacement Sleeves-$2, Lanyards-$3
1. PRINCIPAL detentions are held from 3:35 until 5:00 p.m. Failure to complete the detention assignment may result in ISS or OSS.
2. TEACHER detentions may be assigned before school and after school. Teachers have latitude in determining the length of their detentions.
* Students will be given 24 hours notice for before school and after school detentions so they can make arrangements for transportation.
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