Page 137 - Merritt College Student Handbook and Planner 2021-2022
P. 137
Transition to College Life Congratulations!
You have successfully completed high school, and anyone who tells you that this accomplishment is “no big deal” should consider the following: by completing this important phase of your life, you have laid the groundwork for future success and happiness.
According to Census Bureau statistics, your high school diploma alone will earn you over $10,000 per year more than those without the diploma.
You’re already ahead of the game, right? Not so fast. Before you get too excited about your shiny new high school diploma, consider these statistics:
• Census Bureau figures show that a college degree is worth nearly twice the annual amount of what a high school diploma is worth ($51,206 a year, compared with $27,915 a year for those with a high school diploma only).
• College graduates will earn $402,959 more than non-college graduates over the course of their lives.
(Barrow, Lisa and Rouse, Cecilia Elena (2005) “Does College Still Pay?”, The Economists Voice: Vol. 2 : Iss. 4, Article 3.)
• According to several published reports, college graduates are by-and-large happier than those who have not completed college.
So pat yourself on the back – you have already successfully made the most important decision that you can make: to go to college and pursue a degree! Now the real work begins, and this guide is here to help you make the most of your college experience.
Here is the most important tip we can give you: instead of focusing on simply “getting by” over the next four years, think of your college education as a series of small but important decisions that, if chosen wisely, will move you closer and closer to your ultimate goals in life. This is a crucial time in your personal development. So make the most of what your campus has to offer: attend your classes and never forget why you are in school. Join a club or two. Make friends with your roommates, your suitemates, your classmates, and your professors. Try new dishes, learn new skills, pick up an intramural sport you’ve never even heard of. College is a unique time for you to be an integral part of a learning community.
Seize the day!