Page 157 - Merritt College Student Handbook and Planner 2021-2022
P. 157

7. After the resolution proposal is sent to the complainant, the District will forward the complete file of the complaint; findings of the investigation; the District’s proposed resolution; the letter to the complainant informing him/her of the proposal; and any relevant material to the State Chancellor’s Office.
A. Dissemination
1. The procedures shall be published in all student, faculty and staff handbooks, each college’s catalog and schedule of classes, and other printed material deemed appropriate by each college’s Vice President of Student Services.
2. The procedures will also be disseminated to students at each college’s new student orientation and at periodic workshops to be scheduled by each college’s Vice President of Student Services.
3. The procedures will also be disseminated to each faculty member, all members of the administrative staff, and all members of the support staff both at time of hire and at the beginning of each school year.
4. The procedures shall also be displayed in a prominent location at each college along with the other notices regarding the college’s procedures and standards of conduct. A copy of the Policy and Procedures shall be made available to any person expressing a verbal complaint about such matters.
B. Sexual, Racial, and Disability Harassment and Discrimination Defined
1. The Peralta Community College District expressly forbids sexual, racial, and disability harassment of its students by faculty, administrators, supervisors, District employees, other students, vendors or members of the general public. The District also prohibits discrimination of its students by subjecting any student to adverse or differential treatment, or depriving that student of any benefits of the District because of that student’s sex, race, or disability. Furthermore, the District prohibits retaliation against any individual who files a complaint or participates in a discrimination inquiry.
2. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature, made by someone from or in the educational setting, under any of the following conditions:

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