Page 161 - Mesa Community College 2020-2021 Student Handbook
P. 161
2.8.1 Eligibility for Accommodations & Required Disability Documentation
To specify the disability documentation requirements that will qualify (i.e., support current and essential needs) Maricopa County Community College District students for reasonable and appropriate academic adjustments through each college’s Disability Resources and Services (DRS) office or designated professional.
General Eligibility Requirements
DRS applicants must be admitted or enrolled as an MCCCD student, and must provide the Disability Resources and Services (DRS) office with qualifying disability documentation, verifying the nature and extent of the disability prior to requesting or receiving any academic adjustment.
Who Is Eligible for Services?
To be eligible for DRS support services, a student must have a disability as it defined by federal law (section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act OF 1990 (ADA), and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA).
2.8.2 Eligibility of Students Taking Reduced Course Loads
Although any student may register for fewer than twelve credit hours, a student with a disability may request a reduced academic load as a reasonable and appropriate accommodation. A college Disability Resource Services (DRS) professional may certify that a student who is afforded a reduced academic load as an accommodation for a disability shall nevertheless be deemed a full-time student. Such certification shall be solely to enable the student to seek eligibility for health insurance benefits and to seek eligibility to comply with mandates of the National Junior College Athletic Association.The college DRS professional will certify that a student may be deemed a full-time student as provided under this regulation only on a semester-by-semester basis. The appropriate college offices will receive documentation of the DRS professional’s certification from the professional or the student. An incoming student may apply for such certification upon acceptance to the college. Requests for certification must be made prior to the beginning of each semester. Every attempt will be made to accommodate these requests.
2.8.3 Technology Accessibility
The Maricopa County Community College District is committed to ensuring equal access to information, programs, services and activities through its technologies,Web pages, and resources both in the academic and work environments. This regulation establishes that Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) that are used to conduct the business of the Maricopa County Community Colleges shall adhere to established accessibility standards and guidelines.
2.9 Veterans Services
The Maricopa Community Colleges’ veterans’ services offices act as liaisons with the Department of Veterans Affairs and the state approving agency. Each program must be approved by the state approving agency. Students may be eligible to receive educational benefits if they are registered in courses that apply to the student’s approved programs. Application forms, counseling, advisement, tutoring, and priority enrollment are available for students who are eligible for veteran’s educational benefits. Students applying for veteran’s educational benefits should allow eight to ten weeks before receiving benefits.The amount of benefits awarded is determined by the Department of Veterans Affairs, and is based on the number of credit hours or clock hours for which a student is enrolled and the length of the enrollment period for each course.
2.10 Parking and Traffic Regulations
The College Safety Department at each district/college facility shall be responsible for the safe and orderly movement of traffic, including pedestrian, bicycle and motorized and non-motorized vehicular. 3.1-3.9 Instruction
More information can be found at
3.2 Copyright Regulation
1. It is the intent of the Governing Board of the Maricopa County Community College District to
adhere to the provisions of the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, United States Code Section 101 et seq.). Though there continues to be controversy regarding interpretation of the Copyright Law, this policy represents a sincere effort by the Board to operate legally within the District.
2. The Governing Board directs the Chancellor or his designee(s) to develop and distribute to employees guidelines that (1) clearly discourage violation of the Copyright Law and (2) inform employees of their rights and responsibilities under the Copyright Law.
3. Each college president or provost and the Chancellor shall name an individual(s) at each district location who will assume the responsibilities of distributing copyright guidelines, act as a resource person regarding copyright matter and provide training programs on current copyright laws.
4. Employees are prohibited from copying materials not specifically allowed by the (1) copyright Law, (2) fair use guidelines, (3) Licenses or contractual agreements, or (4) other permission.
5. The Governing Board disapproves of unauthorized duplication in any form. Employees who willfully disregard this Board policy and/or the aforementioned copyright guidelines do so at their own risk and assume all liability for their actions.
6. In order to assist employees and students in complying with the Copyright Law, appropriate notices shall be placed on or near all equipment capable of duplicating copyrighted materials.