Page 167 - Palo Verde College 2019-2020 Student Handbook / Planner
P. 167

                   Policies and Regulations
This may range from loss of credit for a specific assignment, examination, or project, to removal from the course with a grade of “F”. The instructor should initially seek to resolve the problem with the student to their mutual satisfaction. In addition, the instructor or student may also request action through the Discipline Hearing Committee and/or the Appeals Procedure, which will adjudicate on the basis of College policy. The Office of the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services will maintain a record of students who have engaged in academic dishonesty. For additional information, contact the Office of Student Services.
As a Palo Verde College student, when you are given access to The Bridge, our online course software, you are expected to keep confidential your username and password and to never allow anyone else to log in to your account. Sharing access or passwords to The Bridge is considered a breach of academic integrity and could result in you being removed from your class.
When you login to The Bridge, you do so with the understanding and agreement to produce your own work, to complete course activities yourself, and to take course exams, tests or quizzes without the assistance of others.
Allowing others to complete your course work or to take your quiz, test, and exams is considered cheating and could subject you to receiving an “F” for the course. In addition, this type of dishonesty can result in formal disciplinary action being taken against you by the college. Please take time to review the following policy on Student Conduct. If you have questions about your work in an online course, be sure to ask your instructor.
Palo Verde Community College District, as a tax-supported institution, is committed to compliance with state and federal laws. As an institution of high education, the college is committed to providing an orderly environment conducive to student learning. When the conduct of students transcends the bounds of law or interferes with the normal processes of education, the college must take appropriate action. It is in this spirit and toward these ends that the following procedures have been developed.
It is the policy of Palo Verde Community College District that students, staff, and visitors, alike, be informed of the specific acts and types of behavior considered unacceptable and prohibited. Such acts or behaviors are regarded as just cause for counseling referrals and disciplinary and/or criminal charges, when appropriate.
Written documentation pertaining to the disciplinary actions will be kept in a confidential file locked in the office of the Vice President of Student Services.
College students are expected to assume responsibility for personal conduct appropriate to their age and maturity. In all cases, students must respect the authority of the instructors and such regulations as are necessary for the welfare of the college. Students who are unable to assume such responsibility may be subject to disciplinary action.
1. Palo Verde College is obliged to maintain order on campus, to ensure freedom of movement, and to take appropriate action against persons whose conduct is disruptive.
2. Palo Verde College is committed to the maintenance of its students’ constitutional rights in all adopted policies and procedures.
3. Palo Verde College will restrict student conduct if any of the following conditions exist:
A The benefits gained by the college and/or its students significantly outweigh the subsequent impairment of a student’s constitutional rights of free access to higher education; and
B The college has no alternatives at its disposal in restricting behaviors, which are subversive of the rights referred to above.

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