Page 85 - Palo Verde College 2022-2023 Student Handbook / Planner
P. 85

                   Policies and Regulations
College students are expected to assume responsibility for personal conduct appropriate to their age and maturity. In all cases, students must respect the authority of the instructors and such regulations as are necessary for the welfare of the college. Students who are unable to assume such responsibility may be subject to disciplinary action.
1. Palo Verde College is obliged to maintain order on campus, to ensure freedom of movement, and to take appropriate action against persons whose conduct is disruptive.
2. Palo Verde College is committed to the maintenance of its students’ constitutional rights in all adopted policies and procedures.
3. Palo Verde College will restrict student conduct if any of the following conditions exist:
a. The benefits gained by the college and/or its students significantly outweigh the subsequent impairment of a student’s constitutional rights of free access to higher education; and
b. The college has no alternatives at its disposal in restricting behaviors, which are subversive of the rights referred to above.
4. Palo Verde College views itself as the trustee of its students insofar as the students are involved with educational pursuits under the jurisdiction of the college.
5. Palo Verde College emphasizes the instructional and rehabilitation aspects of disciplinary action; the college will not involve itself in disciplinary action, which is only punitive.
6. A student charged with serious misconduct will be given a hearing consistent with procedural due process principles prior to taking any exclusion, suspension, and/or expulsion action. California Education Code, Section 66017.
7. An exception to this principle will be made by the Superintendent/President (or designee) when a student’s continued presence on campus constitutes a clear and present danger to the student (himself or herself) or to others, college property, or to the orderly conduct of college business.
8. In instances where a student is a minor, by current legal definition, that student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) shall have all of the rights and privileges guaranteed by the California Education Code, Sections 76031 and 76032 in all student disciplinary proceedings involving suspension or expulsion.
1. The rules and regulations applying to the conduct of students on campus (or on any college-operated facility), shall apply to their conduct off campus only when the student is acting in either or both of the following capacities:
a. As a student employee, all or a portion of whose salary is paid by the college;
b. As a participant in a college-approved field trip, club activity, or any other college-sponsored event.
2. Students who violate the law may incur penalties prescribed by civil authorities, but institutional authority shall not be used to duplicate the functions of general laws, except where such duplication is mandated.
3. The student who violates college rules and/or regulations in the course of college-related off-campus activities shall not be subject to any greater penalties than normally imposed on students who commit similar violations in the course of college- related on-campus activities.
4. Institutional action shall be independent of community pressure.
A student may be disciplined for “good cause” pursuant to the California Education Code, Section 76033. Disciplinary action will be taken in support of local, state, and federal laws relative, but not limited, to the following:
1. Theft, or willful defacing of college property or belonging to a member of the college community, Penal Code, Sections 484, and 486490.5;
2. Forgery, alteration, or submission of any document containing false information used to conduct transactions with the college, California Code of Regulations, Section 41301;
3. Cheating, plagiarism, or submitting work for a class that is not the product of a student’s own effort, California Education Code, Section 76037;
4. Failure to pay just debts, such as fines or loans, and failure to return borrowed property, following reasonable attempts by the college to retrieve same;

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