Advanced Standing
RVCC will accept up to 45 transfer credits for coursework completed with a grade of C or better at
regionally accredited post-secondary institutions toward an associate degree or 75 percent of the
required credits for a certificate program. The course requirements of some selective programs may
limit the application of transfer credits to degree requirements.
Break in Enrollment and Catalog Year
A student who interrupts his/her studies for more than three years must fulfill the requirements in
place upon re-enrollment. A student with a break of more than three years may use requirements in
place during initial enrollment only if he/she had earned 50 credits prior to the break in enrollment
and if the degree is still being offered.
A student whose program has been discontinued will be permitted two years to complete the program;
RVCC will not award degrees for programs that have been discontinued for more than two years.
Changing Majors
Students who wish to change degree or certificate programs should meet with an Academic
Advisor in Advising and Counseling Services (College Center, C-165). A student who wishes to enter
the Nursing program, or change from non-degree-seeking to degree-seeking must submit a new
application for admission.
Credit Limit
Degree-seeking students may enroll for a maximum of 19 credit hours during the Fall or Spring
semesters, 12 credit hours during the Summer semester and only for one course during the
Intersession, unless permission is granted by an Academic Advisor or Counselor. Non-degree
students are limited to 9 credits per semester.
Jonathan Garaffa
Transferred to Princeton University
“ Success is recognizing a chance and seizing it.
Success is knowing your influence on others and
welcoming their influence on you.”