Page 37 - Raritan Valley Community College 2018-2019 Student Handbook
P. 37
Student Code of Conduct
One of the core values of Raritan Valley Community College is fostering an environment of mutual respect, responsibility, and collaboration. The Student Code of Conduct (Code) establishes expectations of behavior for all students regardless of enrollment status or campus location. The provisions of the Code govern the actions of all students whether at a College-owned or managed location or at a College-sponsored or supervised function or event. This Code applies to behavior directed toward any member of the College Community as well as a student’s conduct during Academic Placements.
Upon admission to the College, a student incurs the responsibility for becoming familiar with and abiding by, the provisions of the Code. Violations of the Code may result in a student receiving a failing grade on an assignment or in a course, required community service, Disciplinary Warning, Disciplinary Probation, Disciplinary Suspension, Dismissal, or other appropriate penalty.
The following is a portion of the Raritan Valley Community College Code of Student Conduct. The entire document and relevant policies can be found online. If you have questions about the Code of Conduct or Academic Integrity Policy, contact the Assistant Dean of Student Services in College Center, C-143.
Violations of the Code for Academic Dishonesty,
Cheating and Plagiarism
Raritan Valley Community College requires independent, honest work on the part of its students, and students are expected to conduct themselves with scholarly integrity. Each confirmed incident of academic dishonesty, cheating or plagiarism must be reported by the faculty member, in writing, to the appropriate Divisional Dean. Specific examples of academic dishonesty and cheating can be viewed within the student conduct section of the College website.
For classroom violations, the following additional penalties may apply.
1. Academic Dishonesty
Penalties for confirmed cheating and plagiarism are as follows:
First Offense: The faculty member will have the authority to issue a failure on the paper, exam, assignment or course on which cheating or plagiarism was established. In general, plagiarism that the faculty member considers to be serious and proven shall result in failure for the course. The faculty member must report the violation in writing to the appropriate Divisional Dean.
Subsequent Offense(s): As with the first offense, the faculty member will have the authority to issue a failure for the paper, exam, assignment, or course about which cheating or plagiarism was established and must report the violation. Upon confirmation of the student’s subsequent offense by the appropriate Divisional Dean, the student will be subject to suspension or dismissal from the College.
2. Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom
Faculty members have the authority to take actions which may be necessary to maintain order and proper conduct in the classroom. Students whose behavior disrupts the class will be subject