Spelman College | 2016-2017 Student Guide - page 43

Stalking. Any repeated abusive conduct directed specifically at another person that
creates fear for his/her safety, following another person, acts that threaten or
intimidate another person through fear of bodily injury or harm to property. Stalking
behaviors may also include: unwanted communication or contact-including
face-to-face, telephone calls, voice message, electronic messages, web-based
messages, text messages, unwanted gifts, etc.; trespassing; and surveillance or
other types of observation.
VIII. Using online communities and electronic communications
such as email, websites,
Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler, and texting for the purpose of harassing, threatening, or
engaging in behaviors that ridicule, belittle, or harm individuals or groups, regardless of
your intent.
3. Alcoholic Beverages and Other Drugs or Narcotics
A. Use, possession, sale, delivery, manufacturing, consumption, or distribution of alcoholic
beverages on Spelman property or at any College-sponsored event.
B. Being under the influence of alcohol and/or intoxicated in public and/or in the residence halls
or any College facility or sponsored event (including individual residence hall rooms). This
includes reported off-campus behaviors.
C. Use, possession, sale, delivery, consumption, or distribution of any narcotic, drug, medicine
prescribed to someone else, chemical compound, or other controlled substance or
drug-related paraphernalia on College premises, except as expressly permitted by law.
D. Being under the influence of illegal drugs and/or intoxicated in public and/or in the residence
halls or any College facility or sponsored event (including individual residence hall rooms).
4. Breaching Campus Safety and Security, False Information, Destroying or Damaging
A. Forgery/furnishing false information, including knowingly providing false information to the
College, faculty, and/or staff either verbally or written, and/or the unauthorized alteration of
financial, academic, and/or nonacademic documents.
B. Stealing or possessing stolen property, or extorting or attempting to extort money or property
from any member of the College community.
C. Intentionally damaging property of the College, a member of the College community, or those
contracted with the College.
D. Unauthorized entry into, use or occupancy of College facilities. This includes unassigned
residence hall rooms and unauthorized access to college facilities.
E. Unauthorized possession of college keys or master keys, and access cards to College offices
or residential facilities; duplicating college keys or access cards;
F. Propping open fire doors, security doors, and/or secured doors;
G. Obstruction of the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic on college premises or at
college-sponsored or supervised functions.
H. Unauthorized use of checks, personal records information, credit cards, or calling card.
5. Complicity –
Helping, procuring, encouraging, and/or cooperating with another person in the
commission of a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
Disorderly Conduct
or any
offense involving disturbance of the public peace, lewd and indecent
behaviors. This includes belligerent behavior toward students, faculty and/or staff in the
performance of their duties. Belligerent behaviors include aggressive, argumentative,
quarrelsome, loud-mouthed, confrontational, threatening remarks or gestures, foul and/or abusive
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