Page 162 - Southwestern Community College Catalog 2019-2020
P. 162

5. Meet the Southwestern Community College placement requirements. This may be met by one of the following:
a. High school GPA of 2.8 or higher within the past 10 years
b. High school GPA of 2.2-2.79 within the past 10 years: student will be eligible for
admission after successful completion of ENG 111 and the corresponding coreq-
uisite. This is a required corequisite for the program.
c. High school GPA of below 2.2 within the past 10 years: Student will be eligible
for admission after completion of required transition English and math courses.
d. High school graduation prior to the past 10 years: student will be eligible for
Phase II of the selective admission process after successful completion of the RISE placement test or the required transition English and math courses.
1. Applicants are responsible for submitting all the necessary records to the College Registrar’s Of ce.
2. Applications must be updated annually by applicants who were not accepted the previous year.
3. Health Professionals may be able to advance place out of some courses. Coursework required will be program speci c. A grade of “S” will be awarded for all courses that cover subject matter demonstrated mastered by the attainment and proof of current/ active licensure or certi cation or degree.
Penny Wells, Program Coordinator 828.339.4362 or 800.447.4091, ext. 4362
2019-20 Catalog

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