Discrimination, Harassment, or Retaliation
Complaint Procedure
Illegal discrimination, harassment, and retaliation are prohibited. As such, Western
Nebraska Community College has established both formal and informal procedures to
report complaints alleging discrimination, harassment, and retaliation on the basis of
race, color, national origin, disability, sex, and age.
Prompt Reporting
Discrimination, harassment, or retaliation complaints are best resolved if addressed
early. It may be difficult to substantiate the allegations made in a complaint brought after
significant time has passed. The time lines set forth in this procedure are implemented
in order to ensure that allegations are investigated and concluded in a timely fashion so
that any ongoing conduct can be immediately halted and immediate discipline taken
if warranted. Complaints under this procedure shall be made within thirty (30) days of
the time the alleged conduct took place unless good cause is shown for the delay. The
person alleged to have engaged in unlawful harassment, discrimination or retaliation
shall be considered the “respondent” throughout this procedure. The person to whom
the alleged unlawful harassment, discrimination, or retaliation is directed shall be
considered the “complainant” throughout this procedure.
Duty to Report
If the complainant believes that he/she has been subjected to illegal discrimination,
harassment, or retaliation, it shall be the duty of that complainant to report such
conduct as provided herein. All other persons with direct knowledge of such conduct
are encouraged to report knowledge of any illegal conduct involving discrimination,
harassment, or retaliation. The procedure for reporting is described below.
Reporting Procedure
The complainant who feels that he/she has been subjected to illegal discrimination,
harassment, or retaliation should feel free to inform the respondent, either through
verbal or written communication, that the behavior is unwelcome and should cease.
If the complainant does not feel comfortable in addressing this issue directly with the
respondent or, if discussions do not produce a result acceptable to the complainant,
then the complainant should make a complaint as provided by this procedure.
A witness who directly observes illegal discrimination, harassment, or retaliation may
address it directly with the respondent through verbal or written communication that the
behavior is inappropriate and should cease. If the witness does not feel comfortable in
addressing this issue directly with the respondent, he/she may file a complaint as provided
by this procedure. If the witness files the original complaint under this procedure, this
person shall not be considered the complainant for purposes of this procedure.
Any complainant, person with direct knowledge of prohibited conduct, or witness may
file a written complaint under this procedure. The written complaint shall be submitted
to the Vice President of Human Resources (College’s Institutional Civil Rights Officer—
name, title, address and telephone number of this officer is in all appropriate student
and employment publications). In instances whereTitle IX compliance may be involved,
the College may include/assign the institutional Title IX Officer as an investigator or
reviewer. When a written complaint is submitted, it must include a specific description
of the conduct complained of, identify the party or parties involved, and the date(s) and
circumstances under which the alleged offensive or inappropriate conduct occurred.