Western Nebraska Community College | 2015-2016 Planner - page 165

— Discriminatory Conduct, including race,
color, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, religious, or gender-
based harassment or harassment on any other grounds, directed toward
another person that has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating,
hostile, or demeaning environment and/or that interferes with his or her
ability to participate in or to realize the intended benefits of an institutional
activity, employment, or resource. This also includes intimate partner
violence (domestic or dating), bullying, and stalking.
Other conduct that is extreme and/or outrageous, exceeding bounds usually
tolerated by polite society and that has the purpose or the substantial
likelihood of interfering with another person’s ability to participate in or
benefit from the College’s educational programs or activities.
Dishonesty and Misrepresentation
— Furnishing false written or oral
information including false identification to College officials, faculty, or
staff; forgery, alteration, or misuse of university documents or records.
Disorderly Conduct
— Disorderly conduct is not permitted. Violation of
the orderly operation of the College includes, but is not limited to:
a. Excessive noise, which interferes with classes, College offices, residence
hall neighbors, or other campus and community activities;
b. Unauthorized entry into or occupation of a private work area;
c. Conduct that restricts or prevents faculty or staff members or student
employees from performing their duties, including interruption of
meetings, classes, or events;
d. Failure to maintain clear passage into or out of any College building or
passageway; and
e. Failure to disperse when a building, office, or campus space is closed.
Disruption or Obstruction
— Disrupting, obstructing, or interfering with
university functions, activities, or the pursuit of the College mission,
including, teaching, research, administration, or disciplinary proceedings.
Disturbing the Peace
— Disturbing the peace of the college, including
disorderly conduct, failure to comply with an order to disperse, fighting, or
public intoxication
Unauthorized Demonstrations
— No rally, parade, demonstration, or
similar activity shall be held at the College or at any College sponsored
event unless organizers file an activity plan with the Dean of Students office
in advance of the event.
—College policy prohibits the consumption, possession or sale of
controlled substances and/or the presence of persons under the influence of
controlled substances on College property, whether leased or owned, and
on the specific premises of College sponsored or supervised off-campus
functions. Conduct covered by this offense includes but is not limited to:
a. Manufacture, distribution, sale, offer for sale, possession, or use of
any illegal drug or narcotic, including but not limited to barbiturates,
hallucinogens, amphetamines, cocaine, opium, heroin, or marijuana;
b. Misuse or abuse of legal drugs or narcotics;
c. Possession of a device (drug paraphernalia) that has been used to ingest
an illegal drug or narcotic.
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