the work environment of the employee, if the action is taken because of the
employee’s filing of or participation in the review of a complaint, whether
or not such complaint is determined to be valid. The complainant is assured
that retaliation due to filing a complaint under the procedures addressing
non-academic misconduct is strictly prohibited by law and by college policy,
and shall lead to discipline up to and including termination and expulsion.
Any person believing that retaliation has taken or is taking place should
immediately report the matter as provided herein.
It shall be considered a violation of College policy for any individual to knowingly
file a false or malicious complaint of academic, non-academic or Sexual
misconduct or retaliation. If the College believes that such a false or malicious
complaint has been filed, the matter will be investigated by the College.
VIII. Interim Safety / Protective / Remedial Measures
No contact directives shall be issued in writing to persons involved in any
alleged violations of the College’s Academic, Non-academic or Sexual
Misconduct Policy.
Students who have been subjected to Academic, Non-Academic or Sexual
misconduct have access to other available College assistance in modifying or
changing academic and living situations after an alleged incident.
Accommodations may include, but are not limited to the following:
A. Counseling and mental health services;
B. Changes with on-campus housing;
C. Assistance for relocation;
D. AssistanceinendingaCollegehousingcontractand/oradjustinga
student account balance for refund;
E. Rescheduling assignments, papers, quizzes or examinations;
F. Options for taking an incomplete in a class;
G. Transfer options between class sections;
H. Temporary withdrawal from the College;
I. Alternative course completion options; and
J. Arranging to take a course or courses via distance education /
technology methods.
Any question of interpretation regarding the Student Code of Conduct shall be
referred to the Dean of Students or his/her designee for final determination.
X. Amendments and/or Revisions
Recommendations for changes related to the non-academic discipline process
will be referred to the Dean of Students. The Dean of Students reviews the
Code of Conduct as needed and recommends changes to the Vice President
or Student Services.