Page 22 - Chaffee College Student Planner and Handbook 2021-2022
P. 22

                HOPE and MINDSET impact college success!
Attending college can be challenging or intimidating, yet it can also be an incredibly meaningful and rewarding time of your life. Here are some tips that can help you succeed at Chaffey.
HOPE – Many people assume that college success relates directly to students’ intelligence and effort. However, research reveals that how students think and feel about themselves, their intelligence, goals, and their obstacles has a significant impact on their success. When students are able to see themselves achieving specific, challenging, and attainable goals and sustain the energy and motivation to achieve those goals despite obstacles, students are said to have high ‘hope’ (Snyder, C.R.,, 2003). ‘Hope’ in this context is broken down into three components: goals, agency, and pathways.
AGENCY (Energy and Motivation) – Recognizing that you have the capability and responsibility to start moving towards your goals gives you agency. Students who recognize that succeeding in college is a choice that they make every day experience more control over their learning and success in their academic pursuits.
PATHWAYS (Ideas) – As you move toward your goals, you need to know how to get there (specific action steps) or how to find the resources, tools, and strategies to help you get there. ‘Pathways’ thinking also involves finding ways around obstacles that you encounter as you move toward your goals. Challenges and obstacles abound throughout every student’s academic journey, but students who refuse to let obstacles stop them from continuing on their journey are more likely to reach their destination.
GOALS (Future-Minded) – Setting specific and challenging goals motivates people to take action to start on a pathway toward achieving those goals (Halvorson, H. G., 2010). When students set specific academic goals, both long-term and short-term, their motivation and engagement in their classes improves.
Students’ hope levels can change depending on the circumstances, their confidence, and the subject they are studying. Becoming more aware of one’s hope level and learning strategies to increase it can empower students to be more successful (see the “Be Hopeful Strategies” handout on the following page).

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