Page 45 - Sandburg 2024-2025 Student Success Planner
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                 May cause • Depression and/ • Paranoia • Anxiety • Anger Physical risks • Physical dependence and/or drug tolerance • Violent behavior and aggressive acts or respiratory arrest • Sleep disturbances • Unwanted sexual activity • Sexually transmitted diseases • Painful withdrawal symptoms (tremors, panic attacks, chills, sweating, muscle cramps, etc.). POLICIES AND PROCEDURES REGULATION ON ALCOHOL ABUSE The illegal use or abuse of alcohol by students, visitors or employees is prohibited on Sandburg property or activities. Behavior that is disruptive or dangerous as a result of the consumption of alcohol will not be tolerated and such behavior should be reported to the vice president of student development. If a student feels that they have a problem with alcohol, the college will assist in a program that helps with this type of problem. Students with such a problem should notify the vice president of student development or a counselor. Pending or subsequent to any legal penalties that could be imposed, the vice president may require participation in a recognized alcohol rehabilitation program approved by the college. If the student refuses, disciplinary action may be taken and could include: 1. A verbal warning 3. Suspension 2. A written reprimand 4. Expulsion from school Visitors using alcohol or who are intoxicated from alcohol will be prohibited from using college facilities. If the student finds the disciplinary action unjustified, he/she may elect to file a complaint according to existing complaint procedures in the college catalog or college policy manual. HEALTH RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH ALCOHOL AND DRUGS For more information on health risks with alcohol and drugs please see the Clery Crime Report for Carl Sandburg College at: Tobacco-free campus policy Tobacco use — including vaping — is prohibited on all campus property, indoors and outdoors, in college- owned vehicles and in privately owned vehicles parked on campus property. The advertising, sale or free sampling of tobacco products is also prohibited on campus property. Littering the remains of tobacco products or any other related waste product on campus property is further prohibited. Academic risks • Poor academic performance • Impact on future career prospects • Memory loss • Impaired judgment • Poor hand and eye coordination • Poor concentration Mental health risks • May exacerbate pre-existing conditions • Psychological dependence • Increased risk of suicide • Headaches • Nausea and/or vomiting • Muscle weakness • Liver, lung and kidney problems • Brain damage • Hallucinations, tremors and convulsions • Hyperactivity or sluggish behavior • High blood pressure • Seizures • Strokes • Heart attacks, cardiac arrest Personal/social risks • Financial difficulties • Domestic violence • Deterioration of close relationships • Motor vehicle accident injuries • Inability to secure employment due to failed drug tests • Reduced job performance or loss of employment  43 

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