Page 191 - Fox Valley Tech Student Handbook & Planner 2019-2020
P. 191

                Title IX/Gender Equity Coordinators:
Therese Nemec, Director – Center for Instructional Excellence Appleton Campus – G118D
Shannon Gerke Corrigan, Manager – Co-Curricular and Student Engagement Appleton Campus – E135A
Americans with Disabilities Act/504 Coordinator:
Elizabeth Burns, Associate Vice President - Student Services Appleton Campus – E121U
Pregnant and Parenting Students
In compliance with Title IX, FVTC supports students who are pregnant and/or parenting during thier education. A student in need of accomodation due to pregnancy or parental status must self-disclose this need to FVTC. This disclosure may be made to any college employee, who will refer them to Education- al Support Services. Pregnant and parenting students are not reqired to use these services, but it is highly
encouraged. For the full procedure, visit and select “Pregnant and Parenting Students” on the sidebar.
Students with Disabilities
Prospective and currently enrolled students with disabilities may be protected by law from discrimination based on disability. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) is a federal civil rights law that provides protection in several ways to people with disabilities. This protection means that FVTC will not discriminate in recruitment, admission, or treatment of students with disabilities, make pre-admission inquiries regarding disabilities, or exclude a qualified person with a disability form any course of study. FVTC provides disability related accomodations to enable sstudents to overcome or cope with thier diffi- dulties and express or demonstrate thier abilities to perform essential functions of a program or course. An individual with a disability is defined as someone who has a mental or physical impairment that sub- stantially limits one or more majore life activities such as walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, caring for oneself, performing manual tasks or working. To obtain more information or request accomodations, contact Educational Support Services at 920-735-2569 (For additional informaiton, please visit
Religious Accommodation
Fox Valley Technical College recognizes that its students represent many diverse religious backgrounds. The College is committed to providing reasonable accomodation for students’ sincerely held religious beliefs with regard to examinations and academic requirements. For a full list of the policy and compli- aint procedure, visit select “Religious Accomodations” under the “Students” Section.

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