Page 21 - HACC 2019-2020 Student Planner
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                   STUDENT CONDUCT
The college recognizes that it is necessary to establish guidelines for conduct in order to ensure protection of rights for the individual and for the College as an educational institution. In addition to formally adopted rules and regulations, the following statements adopted by the College apply to all individuals of the College community, visitors, and guest. Relevant policies include, but are not limited to:
Equal Employment/Educational Opportunity (Policy 005)
Statement of Individual Rights of All Members of the College Community, Visitors and Guests (Policy 071) Statement of Practices Constituting Unacceptable Conduct (Policy 074)
Firearms and Weapons Control (Policy 321)
Smoking (Policy 375)
Access & Support Services for Students with Disabilities (SGP 501)
Hazing (SGP 502)
Student Grievances (SGP 504)
Student Disciplinary Action (SGP 505)
Academic Dishonesty (SGP 506)
Harassment (SGP 825)
Bullying (SGP 828)
Acceptable Use of Technology Handbook (SGP 901)
Title IX is a federal law that protects individuals from discrimination on the basis of sex or gender. Any education institution receiving federal funds is obligated to follow expectations set forth under Title IX by the Office of Civil Rights. This law covers staff, students, faculty, and third parties regardless of the individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity.
Title IX violations include rape, sexual assault, sex and gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.
HACC responding promptly and effectively to sexual misconduct complaints
Provide interim measures to keep you safe (security transport, rearrange class schedule, No Contact Directive, etc.) Impartial investigation
Notification to all HACC community members of serious and/or ongoing threats
Addressing effects of sexual misconduct on campus.
                      FOR HELP:
Title IX Officer:
Dr. Warren Anderson
Ted Lick Administration Building 122E (717) 736-4102 / Public Safety & Security
Whitaker 131C
(717) 780-2568
Director of Student Conduct/Deputy Title IX Officer: Anthony Beard
Cooper 215
(717) 780-3279 /
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