Page 47 - Cherokee Bluff High School 2024-2025 Student Planner
P. 47

                FIREWORKS: The term "fireworks" means any combustible or explosive composition or any substance or combination of substances or article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible (large or small) effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration, or detonation, as well as articles containing any explosive or flammable compound and tablets and other devices containing an explosive substance. (Also includes stink bombs/smoke bombs.)
GAMBLING: Engaging in a game or contest in which the outcome is dependent upon chance even though accompanied by some skill, and in which a participant stands to win or lose something of value.
HARASSMENT: Behavior based on a student's race, national origin, sex, religion or disability that is unwelcomed, unwanted, and/or uninvited by the recipient. It can be verbal, non-verbal, and/or physical and includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature.
HAZARDOUS OBJECTS OR OTHER WEAPONS: Any dirk, bowie knife, switchblade knife, ballistic knife, any other knife having a blade of two or more inches, straight-edge razor, razor blade, spring stick, knuckles, whether made from metal, thermoplastic, wood, or other similar material, blackjack, any bat, club, or other bludgeon-type weapon, or any flailing instrument consisting of two or more rigid parts connected in such a manner as to allow them to swing freely, which may be known as a nun chahka, nun chuck, nunchaku, shuriken, or fighting chain, or any disc, of whatever configuration, having at least two points or pointed blades which is designed to be thrown or propelled and which may be known as a throwing star or oriental dart, or any instrument of like kind, any nonlethal air gun, and any stun gun or Taser. Such term shall not include any of these instruments used for classroom work authorized by the teacher.
IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION: Removal of a student from class(es) or regular school program and assignment of that student to an alternative program isolated from peers.
PHYSICAL VIOLENCE: Intentionally making physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature with the person of a school official; or intentionally making physical contact which causes physical harm to another unless such physical contacts or physical harms were in defense of himself or herself, as provided in GA Code Section 16-3-21.
SATURDAY SCHOOL: Principals may assign students in grades 7-12 to Saturday School for violations of the rules governing attire, tardiness, class cuts, leaving school without permission, cutting detention hall, tobacco and unexcused absences.
SEXUAL HARASSMENT: Sexual harassment can take many forms and it is not possible to define or itemize every aspect of the harassment forbidden by the School District. Sexual harassment may include conduct or speech that entails unwelcome sexual advances, requests or demands for sexual favors, taunts, threats, comments of a vulgar or demeaning nature, or physical contact that creates a hostile environment. There may be other speech or conduct which students experience as inappropriate or illegal harassment, all of which is forbidden.
Sexual harassment defined in the Federal Regulations implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is defined as follows: Sexual harassment means conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or more of the following:
1. An employee of the District conditioning the provision of a District aid, benefit, or service on an individual’s participation in unwelcome sexual conduct;
2. Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the District’s education program or activity; or
Cherokee Bluff High School

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