Page 49 - Cherokee Bluff High School 2024-2025 Student Planner
P. 49

                School Bus Guide
A public school transportation program has but one purpose - to safely transport the students. Therefore, it is extremely important that each student be aware of his/her role and responsibility in seeing that the entire operation works smoothly and efficiently. Several areas in which students are asked to cooperate are:
1. Arrive at bus stop 10 minutes before scheduled pick-up time.
2. Dress for the weather - umbrella and raincoat for rain; coat and gloves when cold. 3. Never stand or play in the road. Wait for the bus at least 15 feet from the road in a
safe location.
4. Always use the handrail when boarding or leaving the bus. Do not wear clothing or
carry bags that have strings or straps that could get caught in the handrail.
5. Remain seated when the bus is moving. Students’ seats are designed to protect
students in the event of an accident.
6. Never try to reach anything under or beside the bus. If students drop something
while crossing in front of the bus, do not return to pick it up. The bus driver cannot
see students. After crossing safely, ask the driver for help.
7. Observe silence when approaching and while stopped for railroad crossings so the
driver can hear if a train is coming.
8. Look carefully before crossing the road. Do not assume that a car will stop for
students - wait to be sure it is stopped before crossing. Watch for driver's signal
before crossing the road.
9. Always cross in front of the bus - never behind it!
10. Talk quietly. Do not "horseplay". The driver must give full attention to driving to
ensure students’ safety.
• Students and parents are responsible for students’ conduct at the bus stop, from home to the bus stop, and from the bus stop to students’ home.
• If students must cross a street or road to get to the bus stop on the opposite side, wait until the bus arrives and cross in front of the bus only after the stop sign on the bus is activated and only when signaled by the bus driver.
• Be at the bus stop 10 minutes early, but not too early. The bus driver is responsible for the maintenance of his schedule and cannot wait for tardy pupils. Each student should have books in hand and be ready to board the bus by the time the driver opens the door.
• Any student who leaves the school grounds while waiting for a bus to arrive will not be allowed to ride a bus home after returning to the school grounds. Individuals who leave the school grounds will be reported to the principal.
A. Wait until the bus has come to a complete stop before attempting to board or leave the bus.
B. Load starting at the rear of the bus, sitting three to a seat, unless otherwise directed by the driver.
C. Enter and leave the bus in an orderly and quiet manner.
D. Enter and leave the bus only at the front door, except in case of an emergency.
E. After leaving the bus, if students must cross the highway, walk at least twelve feet
in front of the bus, then:
     Cherokee Bluff High School

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