Page 51 - Cherokee Bluff High School 2024-2025 Student Planner
P. 51

                E. Gum is also forbidden.
F. Students will be permitted to carry only books and other items related to school
work which can be held in the student's lap. Large musical instruments, sports equipment, snakes, and live animals will not be transported. Band instruments may be transported if they can be held in the student's lap and if they do not take up seat space.
G. Use of electronic devices, including but not limited to cell phones, pagers, audible radios, tape or compact disc players without headphones, or any other electronic device that might interfere with the school bus communications equipment or the school bus driver’s safe operation of the bus are prohibited.
H. Students are prohibited from using mirrors, lasers, cameras, or any other lights or reflective devices in a manner that might interfere with the school bus driver’s safe operation of the school bus.
School bus transportation is a privilege afforded pupils by the Board of Education; it is not a right. The purpose of the policies herein is to help create a safe and wholesome atmosphere for the students who ride the bus.
Students are eligible for transportation by school bus provided they live within the attendance area of the school they attend. Bus routes are established under the direction of the Superintendent and in accord with recommendations of the Division of Pupil Transportation, Georgia Department of Education.
Additions to existing routes are based upon the following guidelines:
1. The student must live at least 3/10 miles from the present bus route and,
2. The student must live on a state or county maintained road with adequate space for
the bus to turn around and,
3. The road must be wide enough for the bus and another vehicle to pass.
Students are assigned to a particular bus route and can only change buses with the approval of the Principal and the Transportation Department. Students must get on and get off from their assigned bus at selected bus stops unless written permission is granted to let off at a stop other than the designated stop. This request from the parent must be made in writing to the principal. Parents will assume the responsibility of the child when such a request is granted.
The transportation of students is an important function in our school system. Every precaution must be taken to see that students are transported safely. The same behavior is expected on the school bus as is expected in the classroom. The Code of Conduct and Discipline Procedures that apply for the school, also apply while students are being transported by any vehicle provided for the transportation of students. In addition, it is important that students abide by the bus discipline policies as outlined herein.
Fighting on the bus and abusive language or profanity toward the bus driver will result in a minimum of five days suspension from the bus. A student whose behavior warrants that the bus return to the school will be suspended from riding the bus for a minimum of twenty (20) days.
Bus Drivers will report specific disciplinary problems to the principal or assistant principal in writing on the Bus Conduct Report Form. If the driver is uncertain about who was unruly or who caused the disturbance, the driver will report the incident to the principal for investigation. After the principal administers the proper disciplinary action, a copy of the Bus Conduct Report Form will be forwarded to the parent, the bus driver, and the
  Cherokee Bluff High School

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