Page 163 - Merritt College Student Handbook and Planner 2021-2022
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enrollment students, FERPA also prohibits parents from accessing their children’s student records, regardless of the student’s age.
To whom, and under what conditions, may colleges disclose information without the student’s written consent?
• to college faculty, staff and administrators with a legitimate educational interest in the information.
• in response to a request for directory information.
• to federal, state and local education authorities involving an audit, evaluation or
compliance with education programs.
• agents acting on behalf of the college (i.e., national student clearinghouse).
• in connection with processing financial aid.
• accrediting organizations.
• to comply with a judicial order or subpoena.
• in connection with a health or safety emergency if the information will assist in resolving
the emergency.
Requests to disclose information under these circumstances should always be handled with caution and approached on a case-by-case basis.
Student records can only be released with the expressed written consent of the student.
Students: if you want to provide consent for a parent, spouse, or other party to have access to your records, please request and submit a FERPA authorization release form.
Health and safety exemption: FERPA permits non-consensual disclosure of education records, or personally identifiable, non-directory information from education records, in connection with a health or safety emergency under § 99.31(a)(10) and § 99.36 of the FERPA regulations. The health or safety exemption permits the disclosure of personally identifiable information from a student’s education record without the written consent of the student in the case of an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or other individuals. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords student certain rights with respect to their education records. For more information refer to the following link: