Page 164 - Merritt College Student Handbook and Planner 2021-2022
P. 164

The purpose of this procedure is to provide a prompt and equitable means of resolving student grievances. This procedure shall be available to any student who reasonably believes an experience or decision has adversely affected his or her status, rights or privileges as a student. A grievance may be initiated by a student against an instructor, an administrator, or a member of the classified staff. A grievance may also be initiated against another student.
I. Grounds for Filing Student Grievances
The Student Grievance Procedure shall apply only to grievances involving:
A. Academic (Grade) Grievance: A complaint alleging mistake, fraud, bad faith or incompetence in the academic (grade) evaluation of student performance.
B. Violation of Law, Policy, and Procedures:
1. Violation of rights which a student is entitled to by law or District policy,
including financial aid, exercise of free expression, rules for student conduct,
admission, probation, or suspension or dismissal policies.
2. Act or threat of physical aggression.
3. Act or threat of intimidation or harassment.
C. This Student Grievance Procedure does not apply to:
1. Police citations (i.e., "tickets"): Complaints about citations must be directed to
the Campus Police in the same way as any traffic violation.
2. Discrimination, Sexual Assault or Sexual Harassment: Any student who feels
he/she has been or is presently an alleged victim of sexual harassment, may first contact the Vice President of Student Services to file a complaint verbally or in writing, or may directly contact the District’s Equal Opportunity Coordinator at 333 East Eighth Street, Oakland, CA 94606, (510) 466-7220. At the time a complaint is made known, a copy of the complaint procedures and a complaint form shall be made available to the complainant. For additional information regarding reporting of discrimination, sexual assault or sexual harassment, please refer to Discrimination Complaint Procedures in this catalog. ** For more information refer to the Merritt College Catalog 2021 - 2022.

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