Page 168 - Merritt College Student Handbook and Planner 2021-2022
P. 168

manufactured, distributed, marketed, or sold as an e-cigarette, e-cigar, e-pipe, e- hookah, or vape pen, or under any other product name or descriptor.
Delivery or nicotine delivery systems not approved by the FDA as a proven method for cessation are prohibited where smoking and tobacco use are prohibited.
II. Applicability
A. Smoking is prohibited in all indoor and outdoor Peralta Community College District’s (“PCCD”) campus locations and District Administrative Centers, except for the following areas:
B. The Peralta Community College District is a smoke and tobacco-free environment. Smoking, vaping, and the use of tobacco products is prohibited on all District property at all times. This administrative procedure applies to students, faculty, staff, administrators, visitors, and general members of the public.
C. The prohibition includes the use of tobacco products, including but not limited to: cigarettes, cigars, little cigars, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco, snuff, hookahs, and an electronic device that delivers nicotine or other vaporized liquids to a person inhaling from the device (e.g., e-cigarettes and vaporizers).
D. District property includes indoor and outdoor areas of property that is owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the District, including but not; limited to: classrooms, offices, lobbies, lounges, waiting areas, stairwells, restrooms, walkways, sidewalks, lawns, athletic fields and viewing stands, parking lots, warehouses, storage yards, and District-owned or leased vehicles.
E. Students, faculty, and staff who are interested in smoking cessation are encouraged to explore the free services offered by the California Smokers Helpline at 1-800-NOBUTTS and www.nobutts .org.
WEAPONS POLICY (AP 3530) : Firearms, knives, explosives or other dangerous objects, including but not limited to any facsimile firearm, knife or explosive, are prohibited on any District campus or in any facility of the District except as detailed below. The prohibition of firearms on at any college in the district, at any district/college center, at district office, or in any district facility includes both loaded and unloaded firearms, and applies to persons holding a valid license to carry a concealed firearm.
Any person who believes that he/she may properly possess a firearm or other weapon on campus or other facility of the District must promptly notify the Peralta Police Services. Kitchen knives are restricted to food services use under the direct supervision of employees and shall remain in food services facilities or with a food service event.

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