Mesa Community College | 2017-2018 Student Planner - page 149

instructor(s) before the absence. Prior arrangements must be made with each instructor for makeup
work. If prior arrangements have been made, the student will not be penalized.
Other official absences include jury duty and subpoenas. Appropriate documentation will be
required. Prior arrangements must be made with each instructor for makeup work. If prior
arrangements have been made, the student will not be penalized.
In the event of military commitments. Absences for periods of up to one week will not be counted
against the number of absences allowed by an instructor or department. The student is required to
provide appropriate documentation of the specific orders, length of assignment and location. Prior
notification must be initiated with each instructor to discuss make-up work. If the length of the
absence will be longer than one week, the instructor and the student will determine whether there is
sufficient opportunity for the student to make up the work. If it is determined that the length of
absence for the military commitment provides an undue hardship on the student’s ability to make up
the assignments, he or she will be provided an opportunity to request an incomplete grade or drop
the class or, in the case of open-entry classes, the opportunity to request an extension.
In the event of the death of an immediate family member, absences for periods of up to one week will
not be counted against the number of absences allowed by an instructor or department. Students
should contact instructor(s) as soon as possible to arrange for make-up work. Appropriate
documentation will be required (for example, a copy of the obituary or funeral program). In
specialized programs that require clinical rotations, this regulation may not apply.
Religious Holidays
Students shall have the right to observe major religious holidays without penalty or reprisal by any administrator,
faculty member or employee of the Maricopa Community Colleges. Absences for such holidays shall not count
against the number of absences allowed by an instructor or department. At least one week before the holiday,
students shall submit to their instructor(s) a written statement that includes both the date of the holiday and the
reason why class attendance is impossible. Prior arrangements must be made with each instructor for make-up
work. If prior arrangements have been made, the student will not be penalized.
2.3.3 Grading
1. Policy
It is the policy of the Maricopa Community Colleges that a grade will be assigned at the conclusion of the course.
Official grades are available on designated college web sites. Information pertaining to incomplete grades, repeat
courses, credit/noncredit courses and auditing courses can be found at
2.3.4 Academic Probation (Progress)
A student will be placed on academic probation if, after completion of twelve (12) or more credit
hours, the student's cumulative grade point average is less than:
Credit Hours for Which Grade Points are Computed at
Resident Maricopa Community College (A,B,C,D,F, and Y)
Minimum Grade
Point Average
Students on academic probation may take no more than twelve (12) credit hours per semester unless
approved by the Admissions and Standards Committee.
Continued Probation
A student on academic probation who fails to raise the cumulative grade point average to the required
minimum standards (see above) will be placed on continued probation and may be limited to taking six (6)
credit hours. Regulations regarding continued probation do not apply to the summer session. Credit
hours earned in summer sessions will be included in the cumulative grade point average.
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