Page 164 - Mesa Community College 2020-2021 Student Handbook
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subordinate under alternate supervision when a supervisor under his/her direction has or has
had a recent consensual relationship with the employee.
iii. The supervisor shall recuse himself or herself from any discussions or involvement with decisions
related to evaluations, promotion, hiring, determination of salary, or continuation of contract or
iv. The respective Vice President or Vice Chancellor shall prepare and retain a report that specifies
the appropriate alternate arrangements that have been made to eliminate the conflict of interest. The EEO/AA Office shall be provided a copy of the report along with the employees involved in the relationship.
Where the employee is already in or has had a recent consensual relationship with a student prior
to enrollment in his or her class, the following procedures shall be followed:
i. The faculty member shall counsel and advise the student not to enroll in his or her course.
ii. The Consensual Relationships Policy will be made available to students via the student handbook
and other appropriate communications vehicles.
iii. If it is not possible for a student to enroll in another course, section, or course and section at
another college due to a requirement for completion of a degree or certificate and no other academic option is available, disclosure of the relationship will be made to the appropriate Department Chair, Dean and Vice President of Academic Affairs or Vice President for Student Affairs as appropriate for review. The Vice President will refer the matter to the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs for consideration. The Chancellor or his/her designee may allow a student to enroll in the class only upon a showing by the student that the enrollment is necessary to avoid an extreme hardship, and upon a showing by the college President or designee that the academic integrity of the student’s enrollment in the class will nevertheless be maintained.
Persons who are married, or were married, are included within the definition of persons that have or who have had a consensual amorous relationship.
An employee who fails to follow the requirements established in this policy and who does not withdraw from participation in activities or decisions that may reward or penalize a supervisee or student with whom the employee has or has had a recent consensual amorous relationship, will be considered in violation of policy and will be addressed in accordance with established processes in job group policy manuals.
3. 4.
5.0 Non-Discrimination
The Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) is committed to promoting a learning and work environment that is non-discriminatory. This commitment is demonstrated by valuing inclusion, implementing policies and regulations that serve to prohibit discrimination, and practicing non-discriminatory actions in employment and academic activities.This means that MCCCD will not discriminate nor tolerate discrimination against any applicant, employee, or student in any of its policies, procedures, or practices.
5.1.1 Maricopa EEO Policy
It is the policy of the Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD), (consisting of Chandler- Gilbert Community College, the District Office, Estrella Mountain Community College, GateWay Community College, GateWay Community College - Central City, Glendale Community College, Mesa Community College, Paradise Valley Community College, Phoenix College, Rio Salado Community College, Scottsdale Community College, South Mountain Community College, and all affiliated locations) to:
1. Recruit, hire, and promote in all job groups, and to ensure that all Human Resources (HR) employment selection and decision practices do not discriminate, nor tolerate discrimination in employment or education, against any applicant, employee, or student on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, citizenship status (including document abuse), age, disability, vete1ran status or genetic information.
2. All HR employment selection and decision practices pertaining to advertising, benefits, compensation, discipline (including probation, suspension, and/or involuntary termination for cause or layoff), employee facilities, performance evaluation, recruitment, social/recreational programs, and training will continue to be administered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, citizenship status (including document abuse), age, disability, veteran status or genetic information.
3. Hold each level of management responsible for ensuring that all employment policies, procedures, and activities are in full compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local EEO statutes, rules, and regulations.
Maricopa’s Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policy Statement or EEO Clause appears in all major publications distributed to employees, students, and applicants. Copies of these documents are available at each of the colleges, at the District Employee Services Office, and at the EEO/Affirmative Action (AA) Office.
5.1.3 EEO Policy Statement
It is the policy of the Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) to promote equal employment opportunities through a positive continuing program.This means that Maricopa will not
5.1.2 Maricopa EEO Policy

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