Page 11 - Roane State Community College 2024-2025 Student Planner
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                Prerequisite – A course requirement to be completed or a level of skill or knowledge to be demonstrated prior to enrollment in a course or program.
Probation – The status of students when their cumulative GPA drops below college standards. Students may still enroll while on probation.
RaiderNet – Students’ one-stop hub for all of their college-related business. Students use RaiderNet to access course registration, financial aid information, e-mail and other services
Readmit – An Admissions form students must fill out if they have not attended Roane State for one or more semesters.
R# – A unique computer generated student identification number.
Registration – The process of officially enrolling in one or more courses. Students must be admitted
to Roane State before they can register for classes.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) – An appeal needed by students who have reached maximum hours (90 or more) at a community college level or those who are/have been on financial aid probation for low grades/GPA.
Semester – A period of instruction lasting 15 weeks at Roane State. Two semesters, fall and spring, ordinarily compose a college year. The third semester, summer, is optional and may be used as a time to catch up or get ahead.
Success Coach – All incoming students are assigned a Success Coach. Your Success Coach is your personal guide to help you during your first year of college. Please communicate with your Success Coach, and please respond when your Success Coach contacts you.
Suspension – The status of students when their cumulative GPA drops below Roane State’s standards for two consecutive semesters. Students may not enroll while on suspension.
Synchronous Class – The instructor and the students in the course all engage virtually with the course content at the same time.
Tennessee Promise – A statewide scholarship program offering two-years of tuition-free education at a community college or Tennessee College of Applied Technology.
Tennessee Reconnect – A statewide program that provides eligible students an opportunity to enter/reenter college either full-time or part-time with no tuition expense or mandatory fees.
Transcript – An official record of academic history including coursework and grades.
Withdrawal – Officially dropping a course(s) for a given term. This action is to be completed before the published “Last Day to Withdraw” during the given semester.

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