Page 49 - San Bernardino Valley College Student Success Handbook 2020-21
P. 49

                Outreach and Recruitment Office (LA-131)
The Outreach and Recruitment Office is dedicated to the following:
• Disseminate SBVC information.
• Stimulate SBVC prospective student enrollment growth through
outreach and recruitment activities at service area high schools.
• Maintainstrongcollaborativeworkingpartnershipswithareahighschool
• Establish a positive image of SBVC.
The Outreach and Recruitment Office integrates marketing, student government, student services, and instructional programs to create a comprehensive and systematic outreach and recruitment program. Special events include college nights, career fairs, community events, and other related activities. Tours are conducted by Student Ambassadors highlighting the campus facilities, programs and services. Individual or group tours of twenty per group are available Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. To schedule a tour, please email and request a tour form.
Puente Project (LA-222)
The University of California (UC) Puente Project is a national award winning program that helps tens of thousands of educationally disadvantaged students who transfer to four-year colleges and universities, earn degrees, and return to the community as leaders and mentors for future generations. UC Puente has been at SBVC since 1984 and is a successful statewide transfer program sponsored by the University of California and the California Community Colleges.
Puente consists of three components: Writing, Counseling, and Mentoring. Students take two consecutive writing classes: English 101, English 087 (Fall) and English 102 (Spring). Students build confidence in their writing skills through an exploration of Mexican-American and Latina/o literature. The English classes are linked with two consecutive Student Development classes: Student Development 015 (fall) and Student Development 102 (Spring). Puente is open to all students. For more information on this program, contact the Puente Office at (909) 384-8255.

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