Page 306 - Southwestern Community College Catalog 2019-2020
P. 306

LEX 271 Law Of ce Writing (1-2-2)
This course covers the basics of writing for the law of ce including the drafting of general correspondence, the brie ng of cases, and the preparation of settlement brochures. Emphasis is placed on legal vocabulary in the context of letter writing, brie ng judicial opinions, and the preparation of the settlement brochure. Upon completion, students should be able to draft letters to clients, opposing counsel, government entities, and insurance companies and prepare the settlement brochure.
LEX 280 Ethics & Professionalism (2-0-2)
This course reinforces legal ethics and the role of the paralegal in a professional work envi- ronment. Topics include a review of ethics, employment opportunities, and search techniques; paralegal certi cation; and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to understand the paralegal’s role in the ethical practice of law.
LEX 288 Elder Law (3-0-3)
This course provides an overview of laws especially relevant to older persons. Topics include health care decision-making, living wills, powers of attorney,  nancial and estate planning, government bene ts, housing issues, elder abuse, and ethical considerations. Upon comple- tion, students should be able to assist an attorney in addressing legal issues pertinent to the elderly.
LDD 112 Introduction to Light-Duty Diesel (2-2-3)
This course covers the history, evolution, basic design and operational parameters for light-duty diesel (LDD) engines used in on-road applications. Topics include familiarization with the light-duty diesel, safety procedures, engine service and maintenance procedures, and introduction to combustion and emission chemistry. Upon completion, students should be able to describe the design and operation of the LDD, perform basic service operations, and demonstrate proper safety procedures.
MAT 001 Math Skills Support (0-2-1)
Corequisites: MAT 110, MAT 121, MAT 143, MAT 152, or MAT 171
This course provides opportunities for students to build a stronger foundation for success in their corequisite math course by obtaining skills through a variety of instructional strategies. Emphasis is placed on foundational skills as well as concepts, skills, vocabulary and de ni- tions necessary to master student learning outcomes of the co-requisite math course. Upon completion, students should be able to apply mathematical concepts and critical thinking skills to solve problems relevant to the student’s co-requisite math course.
MAT 003 Transition Math (0-6-3)
This course provides an opportunity to customize foundational math content in speci c math areas and will include developing a growth mindset. Topics include developing the aca- demic habits, learning strategies, social skills, and growth mindset necessary to be successful in mathematics. Upon completion, students should be able to build a stronger foundation for success in their gateway level math courses by obtaining skills through a variety of instructional strategies with emphasis placed on the most essential prerequisite knowledge.
2019-20 Catalog

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