Page 21 - Walters State Community College Student Planner 2022-2023
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                anxiety, talk to your advisor or to a counselor. Libraries and bookstores
also have books and tapes that can help you.
1. College course work is typically based more on independent study than on lectures. You need to do that “outside of class work” plus attend class lectures and take good notes in order to succeed.
2. Attendance is very important. Instructors may take attendance! If you have excessive absences, it may not only affect your grades but could also affect your financial aid! College classes are paced 3 to 5 times faster than high school classes. Therefore, if you miss one class, you have missed about 1 1/2 weeks of work by high school standards. Showing up late or leaving classes early also affects attendance.
3. Some classes begin at 8:00 a.m. and other classes begin at 6:00 p.m. If you are a late riser, don’t schedule an 8:00 a.m. class unless you can be on time and stay alert during the class. You cannot get to class late every day and expect to pass it. The same goes for leaving class early or cutting out during break if it is a 6 – 9 p.m. class.
4. If you have small children, are working full time and/or are juggling a lot of responsibilities, plan the number of hours and the classes you are taking accordingly. When students stretch themselves too thin, some- thing must give—and often—it is grades that suffer.
5. In college, you have a tremendous amount of freedom. No one will be looking over your shoulder, urging you to complete assignments or study for exams. You need self-discipline and goal-setting skills.
6. You should study 2 hours for each hour that you are in class. Cramming for an exam at the last minute usually does not work. Expect your first week to be a bit overwhelming but don’t worry, it’s only the first week and by the end of the second week you will feel more comfortable with your schedule.
7. Refer to the timetable of classes each semester located under the Admissions link on our website. Important dates and information such as college closings, final exam dates, and the drop deadline are included in the timetable.
8. Each semester there will be a drop deadline. If you are not making satisfactory progress, you have until this date to drop the class(es). After this date, you are expected to stick with the class. If uncertain about withdrawing from class(es), your instructor, advisor, or Retention Services can provide input regarding your decision. If you receive financial aid, make sure you know how dropping may affect your status before you drop.

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