El Camino College Torrance | 2017-2018 Student Handbook - page 32

Set Clear Educational Goals
Make sure the goal you are pursuing is something
really want, not something that other
people think sounds good. If you are really going to put time and effort into it, then make
sure that you understand the sacrifices required and the benefits you will experience in the
long run.
It is important to live a
balanced life
. Therefore, consider setting goals in all areas of life
and make sure that they are not in conflict with one another: personal, educational, career,
health, social, and spiritual.
Make sure that you
aim high
. Do not settle for less than you are capable of achieving.
Write your goals using
positive language
and write deadlines to keep you on course.
Review your goals daily
. Post them where you can see them and be reminded. This will
help you stay focused and motivated.
Work Through It Together
- For every goal, examine the obstacles ahead that may get in your way:
Are there people who are a bad influence or distract you from your goals?
Are there people who criticize and discourage you from your goals?
Do you have personality traits that get in the way like procrastination, laziness, a
bad temper, impatience, etc.?
Are there circumstances that will interfere with your journey such as lack of
money or a skill?
- For every goal, examine the assistance available to you:
Examine what skills and knowledge you need to achieve your goal so that you
can develop these important tools to help you be successful in your journey.
Make a list of individual people whom you trust and who are positive and helpful
so that you can turn to them in bad times for support and encouragement.
What organizations, agencies, or clubs can provide you with role models and
mentors who can help guide and direct you? Surround yourself with people who
are headed in the same direction. You can learn from each other and support one
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