Page 164 - Green River College 2022-2023 Student Handbook
P. 164

                     ARTICLE IV
ASGRC OFFICERS Section 1 - Membership
The ASGRC President, Vice President of Governance, and Vice President of Finance candidates shall be selected by the ad hoc Selection Committee, which consists of the current ASGRC President, Vice President of Governance, Vice President of Finance, at least three Senators from the Senate Governance Committee and the Director of Student Activities and Engagement or designee. Fifteen senators will be selected by the Executive Committee and the Director of Student Activities and Engagement or Designee as spelled out in the ASGRC Senate Standing Rules.
Section 2 - Term of Office
The terms of officers shall be for one academic year (Fall Term to Spring Term).
Section 3 - Vacancy in Office
Section 5 - Vice President of Governance Powers
The Vice President of Governance shall be the chairperson of the Student Senate; does not
vote unless the Senate is equally divided; serve as the chair to the Student Senate Governance Committee; serve as a student representative to the All College Council; shall insure all legislation passed by Student Senate is conveyed to the ASGRC President within two academic days of passage and perform all duties necessary to carry out legislative policy related to student interests.
Section 6 - Vice President of Finance Powers
The Vice President of Finance shall be the chairperson of the Student Senate Finance Committee; serve as a student representative
to the All College Council, serve as a student representative to the Technology Fee Committee, serve as the chair to the 522 Budget Committee, and perform all duties necessary to carry out financial policy related the 522 budget with relation to student interests.
STUDENT SENATE Section 1 - Jurisdiction
The GRC Student Senate shall serve as the legislative body of the ASGRC.
Section 2 - Membership
The Vice President of Governance shall be the presiding officer of the Senate but shall have no vote unless the Senate is equally divided. The President and Vice President of Finance shall be ex-officio members. Voting members shall be the five Finance Committee Senators, five Governance Committee Senators, and five Outreach Committee Senators. The Director of Student Life or his/her designee shall serve as an ex-officio member in an advisory capacity.
The ASGRC Vice President of Governance shall become President in case the Office of President
is vacated. In the case of a vacancy in the Office
of Vice President of Governance or Vice President of Finance, the President shall appoint a new Vice President subject to the approval by 2/3’s of the ASGRC Senate vote, within two weeks after the vacancy occurs. In the event of all offices being vacated the ASGRC Senate Governance Committee will select from the pool of Senators to fill these positions within two weeks of vacancies.
Section 4 - Presidential Powers
The powers of the President shall be to determine general executive policy; to appoint committees and boards, to appoint administrative assistants; to appoint students for faculty, administrative, and trustee committees; to fill all appointive officers positions with the consent of the Student Senate; serve as the Chair of the Senate Outreach committee; to sign or veto all legislation passed by the Student Senate within ten academic days of passage or they shall automatically take effect; and to perform all duties necessary to carry out executive policy related to student interests.

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