Page 165 - Green River College 2022-2023 Student Handbook
P. 165

                  Section 3 - Senate Powers and Duties
The powers of the Student Senate shall be to review and approve general policy concerning activities of the ASGRC; to make recommendations to the ASGRC President and Vice Presidents; to recommend constitutional amendments and approve bylaws for this association; to review and authorize expenditures of ASGRC funds; to ratify all appointments to ASGRC standing committees or boards; and to override the President's veto with a 2/3's vote of those voting.
Section 4 – Quorum
For purposes of legislative active membership, a quorum shall consist of 2/3s of the current Student Senate.
Section 5 – Meetings
The Student Senate shall have a business meeting each week of the academic year, Fall Term to Spring Term, except the finals week of each quarter.
GRC SENATE COMMITTEES Section 1- Finance Committee
The Finance Committee shall consist of the Vice President of Finance and five committee members. These members shall be selected as stated in Article IV, Section 1 of the ASGRC Constitution. The Finance Committee duties shall comply with Article IV, Section 2 in the ASGRC Senate Standing Rules and shall also comply and enforce the policies of the ASGRC Financial Code.
Section 2- Outreach Committee
The Outreach Committee shall consist of the President and five committee members. These members shall be selected as stated in Article IV, Section 1 of the ASGRC Constitution. The Finance Committee duties shall comply with Article IV, Section 4 in the ASGRC Senate Standing Rules.
Section 3- Governance Committee
The Governance Committee shall consist of the Vice President of Governance and five committee members. These members shall be selected
as stated in Article IV, Section 1 of the ASGRC Constitution. The Finance Committee duties shall comply with Article IV, Section 3 in the ASGRC Senate Standing Rules.
All GRC Student Senate meetings shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, Revised.
Section 1 - Jurisdiction
Bylaws of the GRC shall be made and amended by 2/3 vote of the Student Senate.
Section 2 - Notification of Intent
Any proposed Bylaws or amendments to Bylaws must be presented in writing to each member
of the Senate and read to Student Senate seven (7) calendar days before it can be voted upon. proposed Bylaws and/or amendments shall be advertised around campus and on Canvas seven (7) calendar days prior to the Bylaw or amendment being voted upon. Locations of Bylaw changes will include bulletin boards in Student Programs, and other places readily seen by the student
body. Bylaws require approval of 2/3 of the Student Senate.

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