James F. Byrnes High School | 2017-2018 Student Handbook - page 55

being in the bathroom with a member
of the opposite sex, or being in a stall
with another student)
Stealing from or robbing others
Theft/Possession of Stolen Item(s)
Threatening or intimidating
Use of communication devices to
transmit threats and/or inappropriate
messages, photos, and/or videos.
Weapons on school grounds
Out of School Suspension (OSS) and Expulsion
Students, who are expelled for the remainder of the school year, will be
placed on probation the following year. This probation shall mean that
a student may be expelled for the remainder of that school year for any
infraction that would normally call for suspension from classes.
Expulsion or out of school suspension shall be construed to prohibit a
student from entering the school or school grounds (except for a
prearranged conference with an administrator), attending day or night
school functions, or riding school buses.
In School Suspension (ISS)
Byrnes High School operates a Behavior Management program which
allows students the opportunity of staying in school rather than serving
out of school suspension for discipline violations. Students who are
assigned ISS will be required to report to the ISS classroom at the
beginning of the day and will remain until school is dismissed.
Students will eat their lunch at designated times during ISS activities
and may bring their own lunch if they so desire.
It is the responsibility of all Byrnes High students to be familiar with
the discipline policy and its consequences. If a student fails to
participate in the ISS program when assigned, then OSS may be given.
Rules for ISS
Students are required to bring their books, notebooks, paper, and
pencils with them.
Students are not allowed to chew gum, eat candy, etc.
Students are to maintain good posture at their desk-sit up straight.
Do not slouch or lean. No sleeping is allowed.
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