Jr. Civitans:
Jr. Civitans is a nationally-recognized organization that
promotes community service projects in the school and in the
community. Students who have at least a 3.0 GPA are eligible to be in
the club. Members participate in community service projects such as
working at the Spartanburg Soup Kitchen, The Carpenter's Table Food
Pantry, Middle Tyger Community Center and other area programs that
need volunteers. The yearly membership dues ($25) cover the cost of
affiliation with the state and national Jr. Civitan.
Literary Club:
Students with an interest in writing should be
interested in this organization. The Literary Club publishes an annual
magazine which stimulates creativity and offers experience in
Math Team:
The Math Team represents BHS in math competitions,
some at local colleges, throughout the school year. Students will learn
ways to solve problems quickly and efficiently with Math Team
"tricks", and they will be introduced to mathematical concepts not
typically covered in standard high school math courses. The team
typically meets on Thursdays from 3:30 until 4:30. Weekend trips
usually include USC, Furman, Clemson, and College of Charleston, as
well as other local colleges and high schools. Success at this level can
lead to state and national competitions. See Mrs. Ordoyne for more
Model United Nations Team:
The Model UN Team is a group of
students who participate in mock UN simulations across the region.
High schools from all over gather to represent countries and
present/defend their issues. Students gain valuable experience in public
speaking, leadership, international relations, and world cultures.
Students from all grades may participate.
Modern Language Honor Societies
Students studying Chinese, French, German, or Spanish are eligible for
membership in their respective Honor Societies if they meet the
following criteria: An "A" average in each of two levels of one
language taken at BHS (including the Freshman Academy) as well as a
GPA of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale. Induction ceremonies are held
during the school year.
Multicultural Club
The Multicultural Student Leadership Club
(MSLC) at James F. Byrnes High School is a student-driven
organization designed to celebrate multiculturalism and diversity with
the intention of incorporating activities that reflect many of the
different cultures James F. Byrnes High School is made up of.
National Honor Society
(NHS): The National Honor Society is an
organization that honors those juniors and seniors who have
demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service,