Page 91 - Northeast State Student Planner & Safety Handbook 2019-2020
P. 91

    Does your safety plan include cyber security, too?
  Tremendous amounts of your personal data and information is transmitted through cyberspace. Cyber infrastructure has become a target to identity thieves and hackers. You can take steps to ensure that your data and technology are secure:
 Never leave a campus computer without logging off. Double check to make sure you have removed your flash drive.
 Never leave your personal devices unattended. Regularly back up your data and encrypt it.
 Always use a strong password. Use a combination of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters.
 Always make sure that your software, apps, and antivirus protections are up to date.
 Never enter your personal information into an email or untrusted source.
For more cyber tips, go to
    Safe Northeast
For immediate assistance, contact the Northeast State Police Department at 423.677.7927 or call 9-1-1.

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