charges will be investigated by the Assistant Dean of Student Services. If the student behavior
presents a concern for immediate safety of the student or members of the community, the student
may be suspended until a Disciplinary Review is held.
Sexual Harassment and Discrimination
It is the policy of RVCC to provide an environment that is free from harassment and discrimination.
Students are encouraged to report any incidents of discrimination, harassment, sexual violence,
and bullying which cause physical or emotional harm; or create a hostile environment which
interferes with your education or your rights as a student. This includes any gesture, any written,
verbal or physical act, or electronic communication, whether it be a single incident or a series of
incidents, which you perceive as motivated by race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender,
sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or a mental, physical or sensory disability which
substantially disrupts or interferes with the operation of the college or the rights of a student. If you
believe you are being harassed report the situation immediately. If immediate attention is needed,
always contact Campus Safety by picking up a red phone in the halls or calling 908-231-8800.
Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 specifically prohibits discrimination on the basis of
sex in education, programs and activities. Discrimination under Title IX includes sexual harassment or
sexual violence, such as rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, and sexual coercion. Confidentiality will
always be maintained insofar as it does not interfere with the college’s legal obligation to investigate
allegations of misconduct when brought to the college’s attention, and the ability of the college to
take corrective action consistent with rights of due process.
All inquiries and complaints should be addressed to Nancy Moore, VP for Human Resources Office,
908-526-1200, ext 8345. Personal counselors are available for assistance in the Advising and
Counseling Office, College Center C-163.
Sexual Misconduct and Violence
Raritan Valley Community College affirms the rights of its students, faculty, and staff to live, work,
and study in an environment free from violence and sexual misconduct (sexual assault, sexual
harassment, dating/domestic violence, and sexual exploitation). Sex offenses; violate college
regulations and criminal law. Any reported violation will be treated swiftly through established
college disciplinary procedures and/or legal avenues. Reports of Sexual Misconduct and Violence
can be reported to Campus Safety and/or The Office of the Dean of Student Services. Confidential
support services can also be obtained from our team of counselors within the Office of Advising and
Counseling Services and from outside agencies.
Contact Information for the Title IX Coordinator:
Nancy Moore, Title IX Coordinator
Vice President of Human Resources and Labor Relations
Additional resources, including a form to report incidents, may be found at on the College’s website.
The following can be expected for all cases/investigations that are designated a Title IX incident:
• The college will provide a timely and thorough investigation, and will treat all parties with
respect before, during, and after the student conduct process.