Raritan Valley Community College | 2017-2018 Student Handbook - page 43

11. Intentionally or recklessly disrupting normal college or college-sponsored activities, including
but not limited to, studying, teaching, tutoring, research, college administration, or fire,
security, or emergency services. This includes violating any established or published college
12. Causing or participating in disorderly, disruptive, or inappropriate behavior.
Acts of Dishonesty
13. Initiating or causing to be initiated any false report, warning or threat of fire, explosion, or
other emergency on college premises or at college-sponsored activities.
14. Failure to comply with the direction of college officials, including campus security/safety
officers, acting in performance of their duties; or making false statements to college officials.
15. Alteration or misuse of College documents, records or identification or knowingly submitting
false or altered documents to the College.
16. Bribery or attempted bribery of any college official or entity with a direct relationship with the
college community.
17. Violation of the Code for Academic Dishonesty, Cheating, and Plagiarism.
Theft or Damage of Property
18. Intentionally or recklessly destroying or damaging college property or property of others on
College premises or at college- sponsored activities.
19. Theft of College property or any individual’s private property located on the College campus or
College-sponsored activities.
Improper Use of Property/Facilities
20. Unauthorized use of computer hardware or software including intentionally developing
programs that harass others or infiltrate the system to damage or alter the system. This also
includes the use of RVCC networking resources for any illegal purpose such as unauthorized
Peer to Peer file sharing and the unauthorized distribution or downloading of copyrighted
material. Violators may also be subject to civil and criminal liabilities.
21. Unauthorized presence on or use of College premises.
22. Gambling on the College campus or any College function.
Possession of Prohibited Items and Substances
23. Unauthorized possession, consumption or transfer of any alcoholic beverage on the premises
of the College or at a College-sponsored activity. Students found on campus grounds
noticeably intoxicated may also be disciplined under the Code of Student Conduct regardless
of age.
24. The possession or use of controlled dangerous substances, marijuana, steroids, or narcotics,
including, but not limited to, opium (morphine, codeine, heroin), prescription drugs in
possession of someone other than the prescribed individual, misuse of prescribed drugs,
and every other substance not chemically distinguishable from them (i.e. imitation/synthetic
products such as bath salts and/or K2) as well as any drug paraphernalia, on campus or during
any college sponsored event is prohibited.
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