b. Dating violence, which means violence by a person who has been in a romantic or
intimate relationship with the victim. Whether there was such a relationship will be
gauged by its length, type, and frequency of interaction.
c. Rape, which is defined as the penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus
with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person,
without the consent of the victim.
d. Stalking, which is defined as a person who purposely and repeatedly engages in a course
of conduct directed at a specific member of the campus community that would cause a
reasonable person to fear bodily injury or death to him or herself or a member of his or
her family.
4. Harassment, intimidation or bullying in gesture; written, verbal or electronic communication
that is motivated by actual or perceived characteristics such as race, color, religion, gender,
sexual orientation or disability as well as violations of the RVCC policy on Student Harassment,
Intimidation and Bullying by students.
5. Any non-consensual physical contact of a sexual nature; voyeurism or making, attempting to
make, transmitting, or attempting to transmit audio or video of any person(s) where there is
an expectation of privacy with respect to nudity and/ or sexual activity without the knowledge
and consent of all participants subject to such recordings.
6. Intentionally and substantially interfering with the freedoms of movement or expression of
others on college premises or at college-sponsored activities.
7. Any form of retaliation against an individual who in good faith makes a complaint, raises a
concern, provides information or otherwise assists in an investigation or proceeding regarding
any conduct that the individual reasonably believes to be in violation of the college’s Code of
Conduct or policies, or applicable laws, rules or regulations. Retaliation can take many forms,
including sustained abuse or violence, threats, coercion, discrimination and intimidation.
8. Acts of violence against employees, students, or visitors on Raritan Valley Community College
property will not be ignored, condoned, or tolerated. Acts of violence may result in a student’s
ultimate separation from the college.
9. Any student who hosts a person on campus (including but not limited to friends, partners,
significant others, parents, and other legal guardians) is responsible for ensuring that such
person is aware of all policies and procedures in the RVCC Code of Student Conduct. Students
are responsible for the behavior of their guests and may be held accountable for violations
committed by said guests, including repayment for damage to campus property. Responsibility
under the Code of Conduct may occur even if the host is not a participant in the activity or has
left the guest(s) alone.
Disruptive Behaviors
10. Disruption of any College class by engaging in conduct that renders it difficult or impossible
to maintain the learning environment of the class or violating the standards of classroom
decorum set out by an instructor in the course outline/syllabus.