Page 8 - Roane State Community College 2024-2025 Student Planner
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Students need to meet with their Success Coach or Faculty Advisor each semester to attain a PIN to register for classes. Instructions for registration are available at How-To-Register-for-Classes
Degree Works
DegreeWorks, located in your RaiderNet account, is a tool designed to help track your progress towards degree/certificate completion. Learn more about what DegreeWorks can do for you at
What is Momentum?
Momentum is RSCC’s learning management system. Momentum is the online area where you take your online courses and your traditional courses post additional materials.
Accessing Momentum
Go to the Roane State homepage, click on the Momentum link at the very top of the homepage near the search box. Or, click on the direct link, if you want to bookmark it in your web browser. Log in using your RSCC username and password. This is the same for RaiderNet and D2L/Momentum. Your password is typically your last name followed by your first and middle initial. If you have forgotten your password, go to the RaiderNet login page, and follow the “Problems Logging In” link which provides instructions on how to reset your password. Alternately, you can call the RSCC Help Desk at 865-354-3000, extension HELP (4357) for assistance with your username and password.
What if I have problems?
Contact the Center for Teaching Arts & Technology (CTAT)
865-882-4556, M-F, 8-5 EST
855-664-1161 after hours, weekends, and holidays
Learn more about Momentum here
Additional Help & Resources
Roane State has many resources to help you. Please take advantage of them.
1. Do not be afraid to ask for help. It’s common for students to need tutoring, counseling and other services. No one is going to think less of you for asking for help.
2. Ask for help early. If you are having a hard time in a class, struggling with your choice of major, or just need to talk, ask for help right away. Do not wait.
3. The first three weeks of your first semester are one of the most critical time periods of your college experience. Please, if you feel like you are getting behind or feel overwhelmed, ask for help.
4. Ask for help even if you do not think you need help. Drop by the Learning Center to have their tutors review your English paper, even if you think it’s pretty good. A little extra help never hurts.
Keys to Success: Be Safe
Roane State puts student safety first and provides information on various topics via the Be Safe website ( You can find information about signing up for Raider Alerts (Emergency Notification System) and how to get help if you need it.
Roane State Police Department
The RSCC Police Department is responsible for the safety and security of students, staff, faculty, and visitors as well as all institutional properties of Roane State Community College. Learn more at